Zoe The Cat Has A Heart Shaped Marking And It’s Absolutely Adorable


Care Bears don’t exist in real life, this much we know.

But take some consolation in knowing that Zoe the cat might just be the closest living thing that you’ll possibly find, and it’s all down to the adorable black heart pattern on her chest.


Zoe is a British shorthair cat and lives with her sister Izzy, after they were both adopted by owner Joanna Smienk.

But the pair weren’t always meant to live together with their adopted owner, as Joanna had only originally planned to take Izzy home from the pet shelter.


Joanna said: ‘We found Zoe by accident really. We were planning on adopting one kitten and we had chosen Izzy at first.

“When we went to pick her up we saw Zoe too, and she charmed us with her adorable heart marking (that surprisingly no one had noticed before) and her playful attitude.”


The internet can be collectively thankful that Joanna made the right decision, as Zoe might just be the cutest cat we’ve ever seen.

She’s clearly very happy just to chill with Izzy…


… And to ponder the mysteries of the feline universe.


Or simply kick back and wonder why exactly she’s garnering so much love.


Our cat envy is currently off the scale. God bless you, Zoe.

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