Wasting Away: The Patient Wait for Their Missing Guardian

A young woman named Xenia in the town of Pokhrofskoy Richardalovsky, Ukraine, reached out to a local animal shelter through Facebook. She reported that two dogs had been left chained up at a nearby house after the owner had left for a month. Despite facing ridicule for her post, Xenia was concerned about the well-being of the neglected animals and eventually deleted it out of panic.

The animal rescue team at the shelter was determined to help, even though they had little information to go off of. With no address or phone number to work with, they relied on the distressing photos provided by Xenia to track down the location of the dogs. After hours of searching and questioning locals, they finally found the house.

Upon entering the house by breaking the lock, they were hit with a foul stench. Tragically, one of the dogs had already passed away, but they were able to rescue the other dog and provide it with much-needed care and attention.

The second dog was a Labrador who was extremely emaciated and unwell. It was clear that he had been starving for quite some time, as he cried constantly and his tears seemed endless. Perhaps he was overwhelmed with sadness. He was filled with fear and couldn’t bring himself to make eye contact with his rescuer.

They gave him the name Boss.
The tired little one was on his way to the veterinarian for a check-up after receiving a blood transfusion. Once examined, the baby will stay at the vet’s office for some time.
Boss has quite the appetite and is eating with gusto, which is fantastic to see. He is also showing signs of being exceptionally smart.

Boss is constantly growing and changing, having been set free and taken in by a temporary shelter. He eagerly awaits a loving forever home.

At long last, something incredible happened – Boss was officially adopted by a loving family in Kiev! And so, Boss’s thrilling journey began.

We are all excited to witness the happy and fulfilling days ahead for this beautiful soul. Boss is truly stunning and cherishes everything in his life, especially his wonderful family.

We are grateful for his new family and will never forget Boss.

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