Veterinarians’ Life-Saving Efforts: Elephant Mother Revived with CPR as Calf Looks On

With incredible courage and kindness, a team of veterinarians came to the rescue of a troubled mother elephant in Nakhon Nayok, central Thailand. Despite the pouring rain, they performed CPR on the distressed elephant as her worried calf looked on, witnessing the remarkable efforts to save her life after falling into a deep concrete drain.

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The incident occurred amidst a fierce storm, with the wet ground causing the elephants to accidentally fall into a seven-foot-deep hole. Despite the challenging monsoon rains disrupting the rescue efforts, a dedicated group of veterinarians and park rangers managed to skillfully use a cherry picker to safely extract the elephants from the drain.

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While trying to rescue the mother, she accidentally bumped her head and passed out, making the situation more challenging. The team had to be careful not to upset the 30-elephant herd nearby while they attempted to wake her up. The veterinarians came up with a quick plan to revive her by pressing on her chest to wake up her heart. Throughout the whole ordeal, her one-year-old calf watched the humans’ actions closely.

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Lead national park veterinarian, Dr. Chananya Kanchanasarak, recounted the challenging rescue mission of a baby elephant trapped in a drain with its mother standing guard. Due to the strong maternal instincts of the mother elephant, the team had to tranquilize her to safely reach the calf. However, in a heartwarming moment, the mother elephant managed to move towards her baby before losing consciousness and hitting her head.

As the veterinarians worked tirelessly to save both elephants, the calf found solace in suckling milk while waiting for its mother to regain consciousness. After a lengthy three-hour operation, the team successfully lifted the mother elephant out of the drain using a crane, being extra cautious to prevent any further harm.

Once the elephants were on solid ground, immediate CPR was administered to the mother to ensure a full recovery. Thanks to the dedication and quick thinking of the veterinarians, both elephants were eventually reunited and safe.

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The rescue team successfully brought the mother back to life and she was joyously reunited with her calf, which brought immense relief and happiness to all involved.
Witnessing the heartwarming scene of the mother and calf disappearing into the forest once again moved the rangers and veterinarians to tears.
Dr. Chananya conveyed her appreciation, noting how the mother stood by her baby through all the difficulties they faced.

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“This rescue is definitely going down in the books as one of our most unforgettable experiences,” she exclaimed. She reassured everyone that both elephants were out of harm’s way and expressed her gratitude to all those who played a role in the successful rescue operation.

The remarkable feat of saving these gentle giants serves as a reminder of the importance of safeguarding these magnificent animals. Thailand is home to around 4,000 elephants, half of which are held in captivity. Incidents like this serve as a call to action for the ongoing conservation efforts that are crucial in preserving these beautiful creatures.

The brave actions of the vets and park rangers have not only saved lives but have also inspired many with their display of human compassion towards wildlife. Their dedication and bravery serve as a testament to the impact that each individual can have in protecting our precious wildlife.

For more updates and stories about elephants, don’t forget to check out Elephant News.

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