The Unrecognized Enchantress: A Shelter Cat Ignored for Her Captivating Expression

In the quiet of the night, Francisca Franken sat engrossed, perusing the website of her neighborhood’s animal shelter. Suddenly, her scrolling came to a halt as she stumbled upon a peculiar feline. Mesmerized by its flattened face, rugged disposition, and melancholic gaze, Franken found herself captivated by its uniqueness.
“I beheld her portrait and an instant affection overwhelmed me,” Franken shared with The Dodo. “Initially, I couldn’t help but chuckle as the photographs were truly amusing, as if I had never encountered a cat of this kind before.”

In a burst of enthusiasm, she promptly sent an email to the shelter, eager to find out if the cat was still up for adoption. The anticipation kept her wide awake that night, her mind consumed with nervousness about receiving a response. To her surprise, when she reached out again, the shelter staff seemed astounded by her genuine interest in Bean.
“A delightful young lady from the rescue called me to confirm if Bean was truly the feline I intended to apply for, as it seemed that nobody had shown any interest in her before,” shared Franken. “The woman on the phone seemed puzzled, almost doubting that I hadn’t mistakenly clicked on the wrong button or made an error of some sort.”

Bean was once a stray, living a tough life in a trailer park before finding her way to the shelter. Deprived of a loving home, she suffered from various illnesses, including an eye infection. However, Franken was determined to change her circumstances.

Franken vividly recalls the moment he first laid eyes on Bean. “A kind woman brought me to her special sanctuary, and what I discovered surpassed all my expectations,” Franken recounted with a sense of awe. “Bean was incredibly tiny and delicate, with her short legs, a petite tail, and the most uniquely flat face I had ever come across. I was so overwhelmed with emotion that tears immediately welled up in my eyes. She was nothing like I had imagined, but she turned out to be so much more.”

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Franken immediately brought Bean back to her place, and it didn’t take long for the feline to express her gratitude towards her new owner. “Initially, she was incredibly affectionate and would follow me around everywhere,” Franken shared. “I think she understood that she no longer needed to pretend and that I would never abandon her again, even if she became less cuddly and endearing. That’s when she started revealing her sassy nature, which I actually admired because it showed her true personality.”

Bean and Franken have formed a nightly slumber party routine, snuggling up together in bed every night. It seems that Bean has developed an attachment to Franken and cannot bear to be apart from her. Interestingly, Bean has a peculiar obsession with olives, apart from her mother of course. The very scent of olives or olive brine sends her into a frenzy. One incident that stands out is when Bean stole an olive for the first time. Late one night, as Franken was enjoying a snack, Bean swiftly approached and batted the olive out of her palm. Scooping it up in a flash, Bean dashed away to savor her stolen treasure under the safety of the sofa. Franken couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of her olive-crazed furry friend.

Isoprenoids, which can be found in green olives and pimentos, share a chemical resemblance to catnip. Bean’s love for these savory treats is so profound that she can’t help but scream at her mother whenever she spots her taking the olives out of the refrigerator.
Luckily, olives are generally harmless for cats when consumed in reasonable amounts, prompting Franken to indulge her with a few as a special treat.

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