The Tale of a Lonely Pup: Abandoned and Heartbroken by Her Owners

Every dog craves endless love and affection from their human companions. It is through this love that they truly thrive and become joyful companions.

It’s truly heartbreaking to hear stories of dogs being abandoned by those who were supposed to care for them. Despite their deserving nature of love and care, these dogs end up feeling hurt and abandoned.

This brings us to the story of Yogurt, a sweet dog who experienced the pain of betrayal when her family left her at a shelter because they no longer wanted her.

Upon meeting Yogurt, it was evident that she had been through a lot, sitting alone on the grass with a look of sadness in her eyes.

abandoned dog sitting on the grass

Back in 2016, Jamie was working as an adoptions counselor at the Atlanta Humane Society in Georgia. While strolling through the admissions department one day, she came across a couple who had brought their dog to the shelter. Learning that they were there to surrender the dog, Yogurt, because they no longer wanted her, Jamie couldn’t help but feel drawn to the scared little pooch. Instantly, she knew in her heart that Yogurt was meant to be her furry companion. With that, Yogurt found her forever home with Jamie.

dog with open mouth looking up

@yogurtsometimes shared a heartwarming story about Jamie and Yogurt. When Jamie brought Yogurt home, she realized that the pup needed to learn how to be a dog. Yogurt, who was used to being an outdoor dog, initially struggled with eating from a bowl but eventually got used to it. To help Yogurt come out of her shell, Jamie took her to meet her family’s dog and gave her all the time she needed to relax. As time passed, Yogurt became more comfortable and began enjoying herself by rolling over on her back and sniffing the grass. The bond between Yogurt and Jamie grew stronger, and Jamie was overjoyed to see her pup truly embracing her doggie side.

a bride with dog

@yogurtsometimes shares a heartwarming story about the special bond between Yogurt and her mom. Their relationship is so close that they can’t help but rely on each other a little too much. Despite not being the most affectionate dog, Yogurt always stays by her mom’s side to offer comfort when needed. Jamie, Yogurt’s mom, vows to always be there for her furry companion, promising unconditional love and companionship for life. Their connection is truly remarkable and a beautiful example of the bond between a dog and its owner.

two dogs on the table in nature

@yogurtsometimes is living her best life and is absolutely thriving! This adorable pup loves keeping her followers updated on all her exciting adventures on Instagram. She especially loves going on walks with her furry sibling, Titan. In September 2023, Yogurt and her family made the big move to Fort Collins, Colorado. We are so happy that Yogurt has found the joy and love that she truly deserves with her amazing family.


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