The Heartwarming Tale of a Compassionate Stranger Who Rescues a Ailing Pup and Restores its Well-being

In the pleasant month of May, Stephanie Smith-Justus was pleasantly surprised to receive a call from a compassionate neighbor. This kind-hearted individual had stumbled upon a dog who was clearly in distress and was unsure about how to lend a helping hand.

Smith-Justus, who is employed at a municipal shelter and is also in charge of the Buchanan County Humane Society, a no-kill organization in Virginia, hastily joined her husband and hurried to the end of their street upon hearing from a neighbor that he had spotted the missing dog.
Despite thoroughly searching the thick forest area, Smith-Justus began to lose hope. However, her husband made an astonishing discovery when he stumbled upon the dog, lying amidst a cluster of weeds at the road’s terminus. Shocked and concerned, he turned to Smith-Justus and expressed his fears about the dog’s chances of survival. Smith-Justus later confided in The Dodo about this conversation.

“Initially, he had the appearance of being scalded,” smith-Justus shared. The puppy, who was just 4 months old, was completely covered in an intense case of demodectic mange, which was most likely passed down from his mother. “The condition was quite severe,” she mentioned. “You can consider it similar to a second-degree burn.”

Coincidentally, a veterinarian had recently moved into a neighboring house, so smith-Justus and her husband hastily picked up the small puppy and hurried over there. “We didn’t waste any time,” she described. “I hurriedly carried him into her house without even bothering to knock on the door.”

When the veterinarian laid eyes on the dog, who later became known as Watkins in reference to the street he was found on, a sense of unease washed over their senses. Smith-Justus shared that the woman who found the poor pup insisted that he was on the brink of death. Upon bringing Watkins to the veterinary clinic, it became apparent that his distressed skin was just the tip of the iceberg. The veterinarian uncovered multiple wounds from a pellet gun, each contributing to his weakened state. Shockingly, Watkins’s weight clocked in at a mere 34 pounds, and his prolonged absence of proper nourishment had caused his intestines to give way and collapse.

Due to his malnourishment, his ankles did not develop properly leading to deformity. Smith-Justus mentioned that his tendons had become inflexible and he was unable to balance on his paws. Observing him walk was distressing as he would often fall onto his wrists.
The mange had taken a toll on his fragile body, causing it to almost give way. Smith-Justus vividly recalled how he was drenched in fluids, with a large 8-inch wet patch encompassing him wherever he rested. His swollen appearance was quite alarming.

Smith-Justus felt an overwhelming sense of sadness upon learning about Watkins’ predicament, and her sincere desire to assist him was evident. However, her primary concern was ensuring that the most compassionate decision was made. She expressed her understanding to the veterinarian, acknowledging that if his condition was truly irreparable, euthanasia might be necessary. Nevertheless, she firmly emphasized the importance of doing what would benefit Watkins the most. Her heartfelt plea resounded, “Let us actively work towards his well-being.”

It wasn’t an easy journey. After Watkins was taken to the clinic, he experienced a sudden twist in his bowels, resulting in an emergency surgery. The doctor’s initial prognosis was grim, and it seemed unlikely that he would survive.
“In fact,” Smith-Justus recalled, “she told me to prepare for the worst and say my goodbyes. Yet, to our surprise, he still exhibited remarkable strength the following morning.”
Unfortunately, a few weeks later, the situation deteriorated further. Watkins lost his appetite, shedding 34 pounds in the process. As a result, he had to undergo a procedure to have a feeding tube inserted, which he eventually managed to chew off. Smith-Justus amusingly described his rehabilitation process as a “series of comical mishaps.”

Watkins spent over four months at the veterinarian’s office and had a brief stay in Virginia Tech’s intensive care unit. Throughout his challenging journey towards recovery, a touching and heartwarming phenomenon unfolded. People from all corners of the globe, upon hearing about Watkins’ story, reached out to Smith-Justus with messages of support and encouragement. The compassion extended beyond mere words, as blankets and comfy dog beds started pouring in from various states within the United States and even from overseas. In an extraordinary display of dedication, one family went the extra mile by traveling across several states just to visit Watkins and show their support in person.

With a staggering 12,000 followers, a Facebook page has been established to chronicle his remarkable journey. Reflecting on this soaring popularity, smith-Justus expresses how the captivating photographs and incredible narrative must have resonated with people just as they did with him. Thanks to Watkins’ unwavering determination and the strong backing of his supporters, he successfully reunited with smith-Justus on July 11, marking a triumphant homecoming.

Of course, he hasn’t completely escaped the doctors. Every Tuesday, he has to visit the doctor to address his persistent ear infection, and every Thursday, he undergoes “puppy chemo” to treat the demodectic mange that he has been struggling with. Despite these medical hurdles, his determination has continuously amazed everyone around him. When his legs continued to malfunction, his owner, Smith-Justus, made an appointment to have them examined. However, just as she was preparing to take him to the appointment, something extraordinary happened – Watkins took a giant leap forward, both figuratively and literally. He suddenly stood up and began walking just like a puppy should. Smith-Justus was left speechless at this remarkable development. Over the next few months, Watkins steadily improved, and although he is still in the process of recovery, he is much closer to being a happy and healthy 10-month-old puppy than anyone could have anticipated.

And he constantly shows his appreciation to smith-Justus and her loved ones for his progress. In the past, he used to be afraid of vehicles and weed eaters, but now he finds joy in car rides. His confidence is resurfacing, and he has already become physically stronger by frolicking in the yard, a skill he only recently mastered without shedding tears.

“He is such a delightful and lovable puppy,” she exclaimed. “Not only has he become physically stronger, but his skin and ears have also shown improvement.”

Watkins has also formed a special bond with his toy lobster, which he keeps in his water bowl throughout the day, only to retrieve it in the evening to cuddle with.

Despite facing a challenging upbringing, Watkins is surprisingly filled with love. Recently, he immediately stepped in to adopt a group of kittens and their mother, who had been affected by a house fire. The kittens were covered in soot, and Watkins took the initiative to clean them while their anxious mother watched.

Although Watkins still has a difficult journey ahead of him, he is now taking Prozac to cope with the stress brought on by his medical procedures. However, with each passing day, more of the resilient spirit of the small dog that was hidden beneath Watkins’ childhood trauma is revealed.

According to the medical professionals at Virginia Tech, they had little hope for Watkins and prayed for his survival. Yet, he has defied their expectations and is considered a true miracle.

If you are interested in supporting the continuous veterinary expenses of Watkins, you have the option to make a contribution in this place.
To ensure that there is a lower likelihood of dogs being left behind, you can provide one with a forever home. By visiting Adopt-a-Pet.Com, you can locate dogs in your vicinity who are in need of love and care.

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