“The Fateful Encounter: How a Curious Kitten Changed Everything for One Woman”

Kitten Who Has Been Wandering Outside, Runs Toward Woman Who Changes Her Life Completely

A cat who had been wandering outside, rushed towards a woman who completely transformed her life.

sweet kitten mustache

Discover the tale of Rue the cat
Nadija, an animal lover and caretaker at AnimalLuvr’s Dream Rescue, received a message about a small kitty that had been hanging around someone’s house. This little stray was extremely thin and her face was covered in crust.

Upon seeing the cat’s condition, Nadija quickly made her way to the location in hopes of getting the sickly feline to an emergency vet. “When we got there, we spotted the cat but she was hesitant to come to us at first,” Nadija shared with Love Meow.

The timid stray jumped from one hiding spot to another, giving her rescuers quite the challenge.

stray kitten wandering

“At Tiny Paws Fosters, we had a fun game of tag with one of the kittens. Then, I decided to play a video on YouTube of a mama cat meowing. Within seconds, the little kitten came running towards me, meowing back and looking happy.

Maybe the kitten thought I was another cat or her mother calling out to her. I picked her up and took her to the emergency room. She was happily kneading in the carrier and even flopped over for some cuddles.”

stray kitten outside

@tiny.paws.fosters shared that a kitten named Rue was dealing with various health issues, including an upper respiratory infection, an eye infection, dehydration, and tummy troubles. Rue had to stay overnight at the emergency room to receive the necessary care. Despite not feeling well and being in an unfamiliar place with strangers, Rue was still making biscuits the whole time.

kitten rescued kneading

Rue was snuggled up in her blanket at the vet, being cared for by the team at @tiny.paws.fosters. The next day, Rue perked up and started eating and taking her medication with no issues. She was thrilled to see her friend Nadija, who had returned to bring her back home to foster care.

Nadija shared, “Rue was struggling at first but then she started playing, and that’s when I knew Rue would be just fine.”

kitten on blanket

After receiving some much-needed care and attention, she began to visibly improve in just a few days. Rue, as seen on @tiny.paws.fosters, gradually warmed up to the idea of sharing her space with humans in a loving home. The crust on her face disappeared, allowing her to breathe easier and boosting her energy levels. Rue found delight in playing with toys and embracing the comfort of indoor living. As she started to worry less and unwind more, Rue truly flourished.

kitten kneading blanket


Initially, she was quite timid, shy, and delicate. Any sudden noise or quick movement would cause her to freeze or retreat, but now, after weeks have passed, Rue has found her confidence and has transformed into a whole new cat.

Her preferred napping spot is a cozy blanket basket. Once she settles in, she quickly drifts off to sleep.

sleeping kitten basket

My cat at Tiny Paws Fosters loves to romp around the house, causing mischief and playing with the other foster kittens. Whenever she sees a little toy, she immediately pounces on it with her cheeky attitude.

kitten snuggly mustache

@tiny.paws.fosters shared that one of her beloved pastimes is being able to effortlessly locate the perfect spot in the house for soaking up the sun. Rye and Ari, the tuxedo cats, opted to intertwine their paws as they basked in the sunlight together.

kittens sunbathing

Rue has truly transformed into a confident and fun-loving kitten who no longer seeks to conceal herself. She enjoys darting around the house, engaging in play with her fellow feline companions, and proudly exploring with her tail held high.

kitten climbs cat tree

“She curls up on the couch with me and is incredibly playful. It’s heartwarming to watch her gain confidence, be a joyful kitty without any worries, and simply embrace life after the tough beginning she had,” Nadija told Love Meow.

kitten flower cute

This adorable little kitty is all set to find her very own cozy spot with a forever family who will cuddle with her every single day.

kitten with mustache


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