The Astounding Tale of a Rhode Island Feline Who Can Predict the Time of a Person’s Departure

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It’s pretty amazing how cats have such incredible senses that make them top-notch predators in the wild.
Thanks to these keen senses, there is a belief that cats can actually detect when someone is unwell.
Although they’re not mind readers or medical experts, they can pick up on changes in a person’s body that may indicate various health issues.
For instance, my grandma had a stroke and now cannot use her left arm. Her cat always snuggles up on her left side, near her hand. It almost seems like the cat knows something’s not right with her arm.
Speaking of cats with a sixth sense, there’s Oscar the cat, who gained fame for predicting over 35 deaths when he was just 6 months old. It’s pretty incredible what cats are capable of sensing!

A photo shared on Facebook captured Oscar the cat, who was known for his work as a therapy cat at the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, Rhode Island. Oscar, originally a stray cat, found his calling in providing comfort to dementia patients, making his rounds to visit around 40 patients each day.

Despite not being the most affectionate cat at home, Oscar showed a remarkable sensitivity while working as a therapy cat. Doctors and staff noticed a strange pattern – Oscar seemed to have a knack for sensing when a patient was nearing the end of their life. He would enter a patient’s room, quietly wait, and then leave after the patient passed away.

Initially seen as a coincidence, Oscar’s behavior became consistent. Dr. David Dosa, an Assistant Professor of Medicine, explained in an interview that Oscar seemed to have a special connection with patients who were close to death and would stay with them until the end, with or without the family’s knowledge.

Oscar’s unique ability to provide comfort and companionship to those in their final moments left a lasting impact on staff and patients at the center. His story highlights the extraordinary ways in which animals can touch our lives and bring comfort in times of need.

A photo shared on Facebook captures a unique behavior that many believe can be explained by Oscar’s ability to sense certain chemicals released by a person approaching death. David Dosa even penned a book about this extraordinary cat titled “Making Rounds with Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary Cat.” If you’re curious to learn more about this unique therapy cat, you can find and purchase the book on Amazon, where you’ll discover more amazing stories detailing Oscar’s special gift.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think Oscar had a unique gift or is it something every cat can do?
I believe it’s a combination of both.
Oscar was a highly skilled cat with exceptional senses and a compassionate nature to provide comfort to those nearing the end, but not all cats can do this.
Would you want to spend your final moments with a cat like that?
I definitely would.

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