Stinger’s Path: A Brave Pit Bull’s Fight Against Deadly Blisters 🐾-dvh

After enduring a painful attack from numerous bees, Stinger was left at a shelter by his own family. The deaf Pit Bull arrived at the shelter with severe blisters posing a serious threat to his life.

Because the dog was in such poor health and beyond treatment, the decision was made to put him down. However, Carri Shipaila, the owner of LuvnPupz rescue in Greater Grand Rapids, MI, decided to intervene. After learning about Stinger’s situation, she immediately drove for almost an hour to pick him up from the shelter.

Unfortunately, when his family decided not to care for him, she took it upon herself to save Stinger’s life. She tended to his stings, a skin infection, and sarcoptic mange. To her dismay, he was diagnosed with Pemphigus, an autoimmune disease that he will have to live with forever.

Since the expenses for his care are too high, he won’t be available for adoption. However, he has found a permanent, loving home with a foster parent and will keep receiving the necessary care and therapy from LuvnPupz.

Stinger has made tremendous progress since being abandoned at the shelter. His once painful blisters have now healed, and he now sports a beautiful white fur coat.

This energetic and affectionate pup is thriving in his new, caring environment! Don’t forget to spread the word by sharing this heartwarming tale with your loved ones.

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