Rescuers Devastated by Discovery of Emaciated Dog Stranded Near Busy Highway

It’s not every day that we’re faced with a decision to help improve an animal’s quality of life, but when the opportunity arises, it’s important to step up and lend a hand, no matter how big or small the gesture may be. A simple act of kindness can make a world of difference for an animal in need, giving them the strength to persevere and the chance to live a better, more normal life. In the following story, we’ll follow the journey of a rescuer who answered a call about a severely malnourished dog found near a busy highway.

photo of severely malnourished dog

Dogs Hold a Special Place in Our Hearts
Upon receiving the distress call, the rescuers embarked on a mission to locate the poor dog in need. What they found left them stunned – a skeletal frame covered in sparse fur, too weak to even move. It was a heartbreaking sight to witness.

Despite his dire condition, the dog found refuge under a small billboard that provided some shelter from the harsh elements. The rescuers knew that they had to act fast to give him a chance at a better life. Tenderly, one of them scooped the pup into her arms and gently placed him in a kennel for transportation.

The image of the dog’s condition at the vet clinic serves as a reminder of the resilience and compassion of those who dedicate their lives to saving animals in need. Let us always remember that dogs, like all pets, are cherished members of our families who deserve love and care.

dog in bad condition at vet clinic

Dogs are considered a part of the family. The sight of the dog in such a sorry state moved her to tears as she realized all the hardships he had endured on his own. Rescuers acted quickly, taking him to the nearest clinic for urgent medical attention. The veterinarians were shocked by his condition and immediately began a thorough examination. It was discovered that he had scabies, parasites, severe malnourishment, and dehydration, but they were determined to help him recover.

The dog, now named Lancris, was put on a strict diet to slowly regain his strength. He had to eat multiple smaller meals throughout the day until he reached a healthier weight, at which point he could transition to fewer larger meals. Lancris’ journey to recovery had begun, and with proper care and nourishment, he was on the path to a better life.

dog lying in crate

Dogs are truly part of the family. After receiving assurance from the veterinarians about Lancris’ recovery, he was finally discharged from the clinic and under the loving care of his incredible rescuer. She welcomed him into her home and diligently watched over him as he slowly but surely improved. To ensure his well-being, she also addressed his skin issues so that his fur could grow back healthily. Every day, she dedicated herself to helping Lancris regain his strength and mobility. Although it was still early, she motivated him to start moving on his own. This heartwarming image captures the special bond between Lancris and his compassionate rescuer as she holds his head, guiding him towards better days ahead.

rescuer's hand holding dog's head

“Dogs are like family to us. In just 10 days, he went from barely being able to move to happily running around whenever he could. Despite still being on the mend, his journey to recovery is impressive, and his rescuer is committed to supporting him every step of the way. Though we can’t predict the future, I’m sure Lancris is loving his fresh start, embracing the chance to roam and discover new places.”


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