Rescue Team Devastated To Discover Emaciated Pup Stranded Near Freeway

It’s not every day that we find ourselves in a situation where we can make a difference in an animal’s life, but when we do, it’s important to take action, no matter how small it may seem. One simple decision can have a huge impact on an animal’s well-being, giving them the strength to keep fighting and a chance at a better life. In this particular case, a rescuer received a call about a starving dog near a highway and didn’t hesitate to step in and help.

photo of severely malnourished dog

Dogs Are Like Family
When the rescuers answered the distress call, they finally located the dog they were searching for. What they found left them in shock – the poor animal was severely malnourished, with bones visible through his skin and little fur left on his body. He was so frail that he could barely move, a heartbreaking sight to witness. Thankfully, a small billboard provided some shelter from the elements as he awaited help.
Now, the rescuers are determined to give this dog a second chance at a better life. One of them tenderly cradled the weak pup and placed him in a kennel, ready to begin his journey towards recovery.

dog in bad condition at vet clinic

The sight of the dog in such a condition brought tears to her eyes as she realized the hardships he had faced all alone. Without wasting any time, rescuers hurried him to the nearest clinic in hopes that the veterinarians could provide some much-needed help. The vets were shocked by his appearance and immediately conducted a thorough examination, revealing that he was suffering from scabies, parasites, severe malnourishment, and dehydration. However, they were confident they could treat him. They put him on a strict diet plan to help him gradually regain his weight, starting with several small meals throughout the day. Once he reached a safer weight, he would then be able to have a few larger meals. The dog, now named Lancris, was on the road to recovery.

dog lying in crate

Dogs Are More Than Pets
Once the veterinarians confirmed that the dog was on the road to recovery,
Lancris was released from the clinic
and now under the loving care of his incredible savior.
She opened her home to him,
keeping a close eye as he slowly but steadily improved.
His new guardian also made sure to address his skin issues for a full fur regrowth.
As the days passed, she did everything she could to build up his strength
and encourage him to take those first steps on his own, even though it was still a bit premature.

rescuer's hand holding dog's head

Doggos Are Like Family
Ten days later,
he was not only able to wander around,
but also to sprint, seizing every chance he got.
Though he’s still healing, he’s making fantastic strides, and his savior will stick by him throughout his journey to ensure his success.
What lies ahead is uncertain, but I’m confident that Lancris is relishing his fresh start, frolicking and discovering new surroundings at every chance.


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