Purrfect pictures of pets: Cute images of cats taken by their owners for photography competition

With its paws resting on a windowsill and its hind legs upright, the cat gazes out of an open window.

Its body tenses as it waits eagerly for someone – perhaps a loved one – to return home.

This adorable photo is among more than 1,500 images to have captured the ‘essence’ of felines – including their wilder, more mischievous side. 

'Watching and waiting': This photo,, taken by amateur photographer Phil Croucher, shows a cat gazing out of an open window - its paws resting on a windowsill and its hind legs upright

‘Watching and waiting’: This photo, taken by amateur photographer Phil Croucher, shows a cat gazing out of an open window as it waits eagerly for someone – perhaps a loved one – to return home

Sleepy: Nicole Sumpter's shortlisted photo captures a cat yawning in front of a green background - showing off its fanged teeth and curled-up tongue

Sleepy: Nicole Sumpter’s shortlisted photo captures a cat yawning in front of a green background – showing off its fanged teeth and curled-up tongue

Hungry? Another photo, taken by Andrea Vass, shows a grey feline licking its lips with a bright pink tongue

Hungry? Another photo, taken by Andrea Vass, shows a grey feline licking its lips with a bright pink tongue – while staring into the camera with piercing yellow eyes

The photos, submitted by owners as part of an international competition, aim to highlight the need for feline welfare across the world.

In one photo, a cat yawns in front of a pale green background – showing off its fanged teeth and curled-up tongue.

The animal’s eyes are creased and its ears tensed as it prepares to turn in for the night.

In another, a grey cat licks its lips with a bright pink tongue – while staring into the camera with piercing yellow eyes. 

A different feline appears to be less camera-friendly as it peers at the photographer from behind a leafy bush.

And another is making the most of the sun – its ginger fur ablaze as it stands in the middle of a field.

Camera-shy: This cat, captured by Steven Cotton, appears to be less camera-friendly as it peers at the photographer from behind a leafy bush

Camera-shy: This cat, captured by Steven Cotton, appears to be less camera-friendly as it peers at the photographer from behind a leafy bush

Basking in the sun: In Lauren Cresser's photo, another is making the most of the sun - its ginger fur ablaze as it stands in the middle of a field

Basking in the sun: In Lauren Cresser’s photo, another is making the most of the sun – its ginger fur ablaze as it stands in the middle of a field

The ‘Purrfect Pictures’ competition, launched by feline charity International Cat Care, attracted more than 1,500 submissions from both amateur and professional photographers around the world.

Categories included ‘Close-up cats’, ‘The cat-human bond’, ‘Cats in action’ and ‘The wild side of cats’ – with entries judged by the charity’s chief executive, as well as Digital Photographer and Your Cat magazine.

Phil Croucher, from Norwich, was crowned overall winner for his ‘watching and waiting’ photo of a cat gazing out of an open window pane.

The amateur photographer, 47, also won the ‘Cats in action’ category for his three successive shots of the inquisitive animal – taken from outside the window.

'Cats in action': Mr Croucher, 47, also took these three successive shots of an inquisitive cat gazing out of an open window

‘Cats in action’: Mr Croucher, 47, also took these three successive shots of an cat gazing out of a window

'Cats close up': This award-winning photo by Anna Warner shows a close-up of a feline's sharp claws

‘Cats close up’: This intimate photo by Anna Warner captures a cat looking up – its fine, white whiskers and small, wet nose on show

The images show the feline’s eyes darting around as he observes the wider world.

Other award-winning photos included a close-up of a cat’s sharp claws and an intimate shot of a feline looking up.  

International Cat Care chief executive Claire Bessant said: ‘We were looking for photographs which speak 1,000 words on behalf of cats, communicating their beauty, unique nature and bond with humans, and therefore why it’s important to ensure they are looked after properly.

Sharp: While Denise Laurent's photo features a close-up of a cat's sharp claws

Sharp: While Denise Laurent’s photo features a close-up of a feline’s sharp claws

‘The number and quality of entries was truly staggering, but we felt Phil, along with our overall junior winner Gaby and runner-ups, had outstanding photos which shared our passion for cats.’

All winners and runner ups had their photos exhibited at London in Altitude 360 at the charity’s annual awards event – with guests including world leaders in feline welfare and the veterinary world. 

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