“No More Unadoptable: The Adorable Tabby Cat Who Found Her Forever Home with the Perfect Family”

While Nicole was volunteering at an animal shelter near her home in Ontario, Canada in September 2015, a group of approximately twenty cats was brought in by a Good Samaritan. Among them were fifteen adult cats and six young cats and kittens, all believed to have come from a hoarding situation. As Nicole was helping out in cleaning up the area where the felines were kept, she noticed a unique tabby kitten standing out from the rest.

After a few days, Nicolette finally took the time to examine the small cat with a distinctive look. Much to her surprise, she noticed that one of the cat’s eyes was smaller than the other, and the same went for one of its nostrils. “She was definitely unique, but oh so cute!” exclaimed Nicolette. “Her cuddly and sweet nature won me over, and she quickly became one of my beloved pets.”

After forming a bond with the charming and lovable tabby cat, Nicole felt distressed when she found out that the small cat was in danger of being euthanized due to being considered unadoptable by the organization’s leader.

Nicole observed that the kitten had a unique appearance compared to other cats and was in good health. After enduring nine weeks in a hoarding situation, she felt that the kitten deserved a loving home. Nicole decided to adopt her, as she had recently rescued another stray kitten and thought it was time for him to have a companion. It felt like fate bringing them together.

The cute little kitten known as Nora was officially welcomed into Nicole’s home on October 5, 2015. Despite her partial blindness, Nora quickly adapted to her new surroundings and formed a strong bond with Nicole and her other furry feline companion.

The adorable tabby cat known as Little Nosey Nora on Instagram has been living with her forever family for over three years now. Despite losing vision in her left eye, she continues to thrive. Nicole, her human, shares that Nora’s eye has undergone various changes over time – from an unusual pupil to a cloudy, grey appearance, and now to complete loss of visibility in that eye. But Nora remains happy and well-loved in her forever home.

After studying animal care in college, Nicole closely monitors Nora’s eye and regularly visits the vet to ensure her feline friend is healthy and comfortable. Despite the constant tearing in one eye, Nicole diligently wipes Nora’s face to keep it clean. There is a possibility that this three-year-old cat may need to have the affected eye surgically removed in the future.

Nora’s mom remains optimistic that even if she turns into a one-eyed kitty, Nora will still thrive. Nicole, who has experience working with pets, believes that many animals live happily and healthily despite their differences.

Not only does Nora have a unique appearance with a twisted tail and an umbilical hernia since she was a kitten, but according to Nicole, who takes care of Nora, these conditions may have been a result of inbreeding or genetic issues from the hoarding environment she was born into. Despite her unique health challenges, Nora emphasizes the importance of spaying and neutering pets and addressing animal hoarding cases. She also shows us that animals with special needs are just as lovable and deserving of a happy life as any other feline.

Nicole believes that many people underestimate the ability of special cats to lead normal, healthy lives. Despite being mostly blind in one eye, Nora manages to maintain her balance and coordination and enjoys playing. Even though she may occasionally lose track of her toys and have a clumsy moment where she falls off furniture, she is still a happy and active cat.

According to Nicole, Nora’s current favorite hobby is hunting for items with strings, such as sweaters, shoes, and bras, and then proudly parading them around the house.

Although Nora is healthy, not all cats are as fortunate. Nicole encourages people to consider adopting special needs cats but also emphasizes the importance of being realistic about the level of care they can offer to animals with health issues.

Nicole emphasizes the importance of providing extra attention and care for cats with special needs. Before adopting a cat with differences, it is crucial to be financially, physically, and emotionally prepared to meet their specific requirements. Ensure you can offer the best possible care for them!

Nora, once considered unadoptable after being rescued from an animal hoarder, has now found a loving mom in Nicole who is dedicated to providing her with the care and attention she deserves. Nicole feels incredibly lucky to have Nora in her life and is grateful for the chance to make a difference in this special cat’s life.

Nicole expresses her deep love and appreciation for her two cats, emphasizing the special place they hold in her heart. She shares how they have been a source of comfort and support during difficult times, as they have an intuitive sense of when she is upset and will come to her side. Not only do they provide emotional support, but they also bring joy and laughter to her life. Nicole affectionately describes them as her own children, highlighting the strong bond she has with her furry companions.

Be sure to check out this adorable little kitty by following Nora on Instagram at @littlenoseynora! There you can find more about this precious feline.


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