No More Short Jokes: Manchester the Stumpy Cat Gains Instagram Fame with Tiny 4-Inch Legs.

Meet Manchester, a charming feline from Russia with adorable 4-inch legs, who has risen to Instagram stardom with over 50,000 followers. This unique cat, a mix of Scottish straight and Munchkin breeds, is owned by Alexander Ushakov and resides in Moscow. Despite his compact stature, Manchester lives his life to the fullest, charming viewers with his cute and lovable presence.

Alexander shared, “Manchester came into my life in 2018 at 4 months old, and I named him after my favorite football team, Manchester United, which I have supported since 1998. I decided to showcase his cuteness on Instagram, and to my surprise, he has garnered a huge following of fans who appreciate his charm.”

Manchester the adorable stumpy cat, pictured, has become a hit on social media

Check out the adorable Manchester, the cuddly stumpy cat, who has stolen hearts on social media with his charming presence.

His owner, Alexander Ushakov from Moscow, set up an Instagram account for Manchester

Check out the photos

Alexander Ushakov from Moscow created an Instagram page for his dog Manchester.

Ushakov said that he named his cat after the football team - Manchester United - who he became of a fan on in 1998

Ushakov shared that he decided to name his cat after his favorite football team, Manchester United, which he started supporting back in 1998. The cute cat with short legs has become a social media sensation, capturing the hearts of many online.

Manchester, who is nearly two-years-old, is a mixture of two breeds - a Scottish straight and a Munchkin, which are renowned for their extremely short legs

Manchester, a lively two-year-old, is a delightful blend of two different breeds – a Scottish straight and a Munchkin. Both breeds are famous for their adorable short legs.

Manchester's legs measure at 4 inches long, giving him his stumpy appearance

Manchester has legs that are only 4 inches in length, which contributes to his short and stubby look.

'I decided to create an Instagram account for him because I thought he was cute enough to please other people,' Ushakov said. 'As it turned out, he has quite a lot of fans!'

“I thought this cute guy deserved his own Instagram account, so I set one up for him,” Ushakov explained. “And it turns out, he’s gained quite the following!”

'I think the main reason he has been so popular is because of his cute appearance and adorable posts,' Ushakov said. 'So many of his followers message me with support and love and regularly share his snaps with their friends.'

According to Ushakov, the key to his popularity lies in his charming looks and endearing social media updates. Many of his fans reach out with messages of encouragement and affection, often sharing his photos with their social circles.

Ushakov says that the messages of support he receives from followers of Manchester's Instagram account is what motivates him to continue posting pictures of he adorable feline

According to Ushakov, the encouraging messages he gets from Manchester’s Instagram followers are what keep him inspired to keep sharing photos of his lovable cat.

Alexander's sweet snaps of Manchester have garnered thousands of likes and are sure to provide your daily dose of positive vibes

Take a look at Alexander’s lovely photos of Manchester that have gained a large following and are guaranteed to brighten up your day with positive energy.

Ushakov said that Manchester is very playful, and that he 'He is always meowing, loves playing mad games, and is always running around the house.'

According to Ushakov, Manchester is quite the playful character. He is constantly meowing, enjoys engaging in lively games, and can always be found darting around the house.

Manchester was born on September 15, 2018 and Ushakov said that he bought him at the age of 4 months

Manchester entered the world on September 15, 2018, and Ushakov proudly shared that he added him to the family when he was just 4 months old.

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