Meet Manchester: The Short-Legged Cat Taking Instagram by Storm

O gatinho de perna curta tem feito sucesso no Instagram pela sua fofura e carisma.

The short-legged kitty on Instagram has been winning hearts with its cuteness and charm. (Photo: Instagram/@cat_manchester)
Meet Manchester, a friendly kitty who is a mix of Scottish Straight and Munchkin breeds, resulting in his characteristic short legs. This “low-riding” cat has become a sensation on Instagram thanks to his extraordinary adorableness.

Manchester, o gato.

Meet Manchester, also known as Manchy, hailing all the way from Russia, specifically Moscow. Alexander Ushakov became his human parent when he was just 4 months old. Now, this little feline is 2 years old and living his best life.

“E aí, meu parceiro”.

“Hey there, buddy.” (Photo: Instagram/@cat_manchester)
This little pet was named after the English football team Manchester United, as its owner has been a fan since 1998 (incidentally, the same year as the person speaking was born).

“Foto conceitual para mostrar meu passado limpo, não que eu tenha algo para esconder”.

“Creating a conceptual photo to showcase my clean past, not that I have anything to hide.” (Photo: Instagram/@cat_manchester)

Captivated by the cuteness of the laid-back cat, the Russian decided to start an Instagram account (@cat_manchester) to spread the kitty’s charm worldwide and begin the global domination of cats. Sorry, I meant to bring joy and happiness to everyone. (Stop sending messages to me, agent Biscoitinho)

“Aliviado que pararam de me investigar, digo, pararam de ligar oferecendo plano, essas operadoras”.

“Feeling relieved that they stopped investigating me, I mean, stopped calling to offer plans, these providers.” (Photo: Instagram/@cat_manchester)

According to Metro, Manchester loves to play and run, despite his short legs, and is quite chatty.

“Pai tá de juliet”.

“Dad is in vacation mode.” (Photo: Instagram/@cat_manchester)

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