Introducing the Next Internet Sensation: A Charming Feline with a Sassy Stare

Meet the latest sensation taking social media by storm – Emergency Norman, the new contender for the title of the world’s cutest grumpy cat. Described affectionately as an ‘adorable a**hole’ by his owner, this British Shorthair feline has captured the hearts of fans all over Twitter with his fierce yet charming demeanor. Despite his perpetually angry expression in photos, there’s no denying his undeniable appeal and irresistible charm.

Purrrfect: Emergency Norman (above) is the latest pet to rival social media star grumpy cat in looks

Absolutely adorable: Meet Emergency Norman, the newest pet sensation who is giving the famous grumpy cat a run for its money in terms of cuteness on social media.

Look at me: Norman has a cult following on Twitter, where his owner posts photos of the feline around the house

Check me out: Norman has garnered a loyal fanbase on Twitter, thanks to his owner sharing pictures of the adorable cat in various settings around the house.

Looks that could kill: According to his Twitter account, Norman is an 'adorable a**hole'

Looks that could be lethal: As per his Twitter bio, Norman describes himself as a ‘charming jerk’.

'His hair is so good': Norman's owner, Anna Spargo-Ryan, says that Norman is 'just a general p***k' and compared him to a private school boy

Anna Spargo-Ryan, the owner of Norman, describes his hair as amazing. She jokingly refers to Norman as a general troublemaker and likens his behavior to that of a snobby private school kid.

Social media star: Norman is a British Shorthair cat, one of the rarer longhaired varieties, and lives in Melbourne with his family 

Meet Norman, the social media sensation who happens to be a British Shorthair cat living in Melbourne with his family. According to his owner, Anna Spargo-Ryan, Norman’s behavior isn’t exactly ideal. She jokingly described him as a “general troublemaker” who acts like a privileged private school boy due to his good looks.

If you try to cuddle Norman on your terms, be prepared for a surprise claw in the earlobe. However, if you happen to be sitting on the toilet, he’ll suddenly become your best friend. Norman’s quirky hobbies include stealing tomatoes from the kitchen counter and hiding them around the house, lounging on the clothes airer, and giving his owners the side-eye from a distance.

Ow: Ms Spargo-Ryan says that you never know how Norman is going to be adnt hat 'If you try to cuddle him on your terms, he¿ll put his claw in your earlobe'

Ms. Spargo-Ryan explained that Norman’s mood is unpredictable, and she jokingly mentioned that attempting to cuddle him on your terms may result in him playfully clawing your earlobe.

Look into my eyes: Norman often likes to sit and watch his family with his piercing yellow eyes, looking as if he is going in for the kill 

Gaze into my eyes: Norman frequently enjoys observing his family with his intense yellow eyes, giving the impression that he is about to pounce.

Naughty: Norman has been known to steal tomatoes from the kitchen bench and hide them all over the house

Mischievous Norman enjoys swiping tomatoes from the kitchen counter and stashing them in various places around the house.

'He sits on them like a brooding hen': He also does things like collect avocado seeds and hide them under the oven

“He guards them like a protective mother bird”: He also enjoys gathering avocado pits and stashing them away beneath the oven.

Adorable: Ms Spargo-Ryan says that the cat can be lovely sometimes, just enough to make everyone fall in love with him

Ms. Spargo-Ryan affectionately describes her cat as adorable, noting that he has his charming moments that can make anyone instantly fall in love with him. She humorously recalls a peculiar habit the cat has developed of collecting avocado seeds under the oven, treating them as if he were brooding over them like a hen. From the very first day he arrived, he made it clear that he was not one to be picked up, leading them to believe it was just first-day jitters. However, they soon realized that his reluctance for physical contact is just a part of his unique personality. Despite his aloofness, there are times when he surprises everyone by being lovable, such as when he curls up at the end of her bed under the covers like a human or allows for a rare cuddle.

Who I am: Ms Spargo-Ryan says that when he was a kitten, they thought he disliked cuddles because he was nervous, but soon realised it was just the cat's personality

About Me: According to Ms Spargo-Ryan, as a young cat, it was mistakenly believed that I was not a fan of cuddles due to my shyness. However, they soon discovered that it was simply my own unique personality shining through.

Popular: Norman has 1,700 followers on Twitter who follow his every move and eargerly anticipate updates on the cat

Trending: Norman boasts a whopping 1,700 Twitter followers who hang on his every tweet, eagerly awaiting updates on the mysterious feline’s daily adventures.

Only a baby: Ms Spargo-Ryan started the Twitter account in November 2014, just a month after getting Norman as a kitten

Just a little one: Ms Spargo-Ryan created her Twitter account in November 2014, shortly after welcoming Norman into her life as a tiny kitten.

Fluffy and fierce: The author uses the account to give updates on what Norman likes and dislikes each day

Soft and strong: The writer uses the platform to share daily updates on Norman’s preferences and aversions.

'Things Norman hates today: bright lights, racism in police work': Ms Spargo-Ryan also makes jokes on Norman's account relating to current affairs and news

Norman’s daily dislikes include bright lights and racism in law enforcement, as playfully shared by Ms Spargo-Ryan on his Twitter account. The account was created in November 2014, shortly after Norman became a part of her family. Through photos and captions, she shares Norman’s likes and dislikes, often poking fun at current events. Although Norman may not have as large a following as the legendary Grumpy Cat, his charm has certainly captured our hearts.

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