“Heroic Woman Saves Kitten from Euthanasia Due to ‘Unconventional’ Looks”

While out visiting one of her students, Lori Farris, a devoted special needs teacher, stumbled upon a tiny, muddy kitten resting on a doorstep. The little feline made its way towards Lori’s car, prompting her to take immediate action. Without hesitation, Lori scooped up the kitten, affectionately naming her Willow, and took her under her wing for a proper cleaning session.


Soon after rescuing a small kitten infested with fleas, Lori wasted no time in taking her to the vet for a thorough check-up. To their surprise, the vet found more than just fleas – Willow also had an eye infection and intestinal parasites that needed immediate attention.


However, her facial features and mouth were unlike those of a regular cat. While cats cannot have Down’s syndrome, the veterinarian noted that she had a chromosomal abnormality that resembled it in some aspects. He also mentioned that if she had been brought to a shelter, she may have been put down because her appearance wasn’t conventionally “pretty,” which would have made it challenging for her to find a new home through adoption.


When Lori decided to adopt Willow, she did so without any hesitation. Willow’s unique appearance had already stolen Lori’s heart. Through Lori’s dedicated care, affection, and the necessary medication, Willow transformed from a frail, sickly kitten into a thriving and affectionate cat.


Lori doesn’t mind if people find her cat a bit peculiar, but she becomes upset when they use hurtful words like ugly, retarded, or gross. According to Lori, her feline friend is cherished for embodying love, kindness, and beauty in its uniqueness. She describes her as a delightful and special companion in her life.


After two years have passed, Willow is still happily sharing a home with Lori and her beloved Boxer friend, Ella. The unique duo enjoys spending time playing, sharing meals, and even snuggling up for naps together.


Willow is one lucky cat, as she has her own Instagram account with over 147,000 followers where she loves flaunting her collection of flower hats! It’s wonderful to see Willow thriving, and a big shoutout to Lori for rescuing her.


Unfortunately, at the start of this year, Ella passed away and crossed the rainbow bridge. However, the memories of their special moments together will always be held close in Willow’s heart.


Check out the video below:
Photo credit: sourced from Instagram

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