Today is my birthday but no one love me

Swee was a small, scruffy puppy with big, hopeful eyes. He lived on the streets, a solitary figure in a bustling city. Today was his birthday, a day that most puppies would celebrate with joy and excitement, but Swee felt nothing but sadness.

He spent his days wandering the streets, scavenging for scraps of food and seeking shelter from the harsh elements. He had no one to play with, no one to cuddle with, no one to love him. His birthday was just another day, a day like any other, filled with loneliness and despair.

Swee curled up in a cardboard box, his tiny body shivering in the cold. He thought about the other dogs he had seen with their families, wagging their tails happily as they played in parks and went on walks. He longed for the warmth of a loving home, the comfort of a soft bed, the joy of being loved.

As the day wore on, Swee’s sadness grew deeper. He felt forgotten, abandoned. He missed the feeling of being wanted, of being cared for. He let out a mournful howl, his voice echoing through the empty streets.

Just when he thought he couldn’t bear the loneliness any longer, he heard a faint sound. It was a soft, gentle voice calling his name. Swee looked up, his heart pounding with hope. There, standing in the doorway of a nearby house, was a kind-looking woman holding a bowl of food.

The woman approached Swee cautiously, her eyes filled with compassion. She knelt down and offered him the food, which he devoured eagerly. As he ate, she stroked his head gently, her touch filled with warmth and kindness.

When he was finished, the woman picked him up and carried him inside. She cleaned him up, gave him a warm bath, and wrapped him in a soft blanket. As he lay in her arms, feeling safe and loved for the first time in his life, Swee knew that his birthday had finally arrived.

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