Feline low? Adorable cat who always looks sad sends the internet wild (but don’t worry, he’s not really upset!)

An adorable 15-week-old cat has become an internet sensation for his permanently sorrowful expression.
Oslo, a Scottish straight kitten, has been racking up hits online since his owner set up an Instagram page called ‘oslogot99problems’.
In one hilarious video, Oslo appears to be sulking over the Titanic movie, while in another picture he appears to be moaning about the cold.
Oslo, the kitten, has attracted a legion of fans because of his permanently sad looking face
Oslo, the kitten, has attracted a legion of fans because of his permanently sad looking face
Because of his looks Oslo's vet suggested his owner create an Instagram account for the kitten
Because of his looks Oslo’s vet suggested his owner create an Instagram account for the kitten
Oslo's owner, Zeynep Oz, 31, from Brooklyn said: 'He constantly looks sad and disappointed' 
Oslo’s owner, Zeynep Oz, 31, from Brooklyn said: ‘He constantly looks sad and disappointed’

His owner, Zeynep Oz, 31, from Brooklyn, said: ‘He is a very sensitive cat.
‘It’s funny because sometimes I feel sorry for him, I wonder if he has a problem or deep thoughts he cannot tell us.
‘He constantly looks sad and disappointed. Especially during the night time when his pupils get bigger, he looks exactly like puss in boots.
‘I love his worried eyes. Oslo can get anything he wants with his permanently sad little face.’
Because of his looks Oslo’s vet suggested his owner create an Instagram account for the kitten.
Miss Oz said: ‘As soon as the vet saw Oslo, he suggested we create an Instagram account to share his adorably sad face.
‘So I decided to give it a try for Oslo and now he’s gained more than a 1,200 followers in a month.
‘Oslo is already a star in my neighbourhood and has many fans.
‘Sometimes it feels like I’m sharing my apartment with a rock star – a very popular yet very melancholic rockstar.’
Miss Oz said: 'As soon as the vet saw Oslo, he suggested we create an Instagram account to share his adorably sad face'
Miss Oz said: ‘As soon as the vet saw Oslo, he suggested we create an Instagram account to share his adorably sad face’
Oslo is already a star in the Brooklyn neighbourhood and has many fans
Oslo is already a star in the Brooklyn neighbourhood and has many fans
However, despite his dour expression, Miss Oz revealed the cat is in fact happy and playful.
She added: ‘Oslo loves people. Regardless of what we’re doing, he never leaves us, not even for a second.
‘We can’t do anything at home without him permanently attached to us. He cries whenever we leave the apartment.
‘He is fully aware of our facial expressions. He knows when we are sad or happy.
‘Just like all kittens, Oslo is very energetic and playful.
‘He loves to jump and to prance. Sometimes it seems impossible to keep him still. He is extremely cuddly, it is impossible to feel lonely when you have Oslo in your life.’
Oslo's owner said he is very 'energetic and playful' despite his sad demeanor 
Oslo’s owner said he is very ‘energetic and playful’ despite his sad demeanor
Oslo is an 15-week-old Scottish Straight and the markings on his face give him permanently pessimistic expression
Oslo is an 15-week-old Scottish Straight and the markings on his face give him permanently pessimistic expression

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