Exploring why the affectionate Labrador Retriever remains the top choice among dog lovers around the globe

From their striking coat colors to their lovable personalities, the Labrador Retriever is adored worldwide as the ultimate canine companion. In the UK, Labradors outnumber all other breeds by a long shot, and in the US, they’ve held the top spot as the most popular pup since ’91. With the recent rise in dog ownership during the pandemic and the ongoing demand for furry companions post-lockdown, many of us are contemplating adding a new member to the family. Although there are over 220 different pedigree breeds to choose from, and countless mixed breeds as well, the faithful Lab remains a top choice for many. Here are 11 reasons why the Labrador Retriever is simply the best choice for a new furry friend.

Anybody who has welcomed a Labrador into their family will know the strong bond they form with the younger members of the clan. They naturally alter their behaviour with small or nervous children, but also adore more rough-and-tumble play with more boisterous kids.

Labradors have a great rapport with kids. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of having a Lab in your family, you’d understand the special connection they have with younger family members. They adjust their demeanor around small or shy children, yet they also enjoy active play with more energetic kids. Photo: Canva/Getty Images.

Few breeds of dog are as versatile as the Lab. Along with being a great family pet, they make fantastic hearing and sight dogs, hunting dogs, army dogs, companion dogs, therapy pets, sniffer dogs, and working dogs.

The Labrador Retriever is known for its incredible versatility. Not only are they excellent family pets, but they also excel in various roles such as search and rescue dogs, hunting companions, military service dogs, therapy animals, detection dogs, and working animals. Their adaptability makes them a popular choice for various tasks and environments. Photo credit: Canva/Getty Images.

The Labrador's ancestors, the St John’s Dog, were used by fishermen to retrieve nets and fish from the water - carrying out the tiring tasks simply to please their owners. This attribute was passed onto the Labrador, making them perfect hunting dogs - retrieving rather than eating downed birds in a bid to make their human happy. Pet Labs will do pretty much anything to please you and hate letting you down.

Labradors have a strong desire to make their owners happy, a trait that dates back to their origins as the St John’s Dog. These dogs were used by fishermen to retrieve nets and fish from the water, working tirelessly to satisfy their owners. This eagerness to please has been inherited by Labradors, making them excellent hunting companions who retrieve downed birds to please their human companions. Whether working or as pets, Labradors will go to great lengths to make their owners happy and dislike disappointing them.

While some dog breeds can be territorial - wanting to be the top dog in their own home - the Labrador is naturally gregarious and sociable. They'll almost certainly get on with other dogs and pets of all shapes and sizes - even cats!

4. They are friendly towards other pets Unlike some dog breeds that can be territorial, Labradors are known for being outgoing and social creatures. They generally get along well with other dogs and pets regardless of their size or species – including cats! As dog ownership continues to rise due to the pandemic, and the demand for furry companions remains high post-lockdown, many people might be thinking about getting a new puppy.

The combination of intelligence and eagerness to please makes the Labrador one of the easiest dogs to train without expensive obedience classes. More intelligent dogs can be stubborn to learn new tricks on command, while many of the other biddable breeds just find it difficult to understand what you want them to do.

Labradors are known for their ease of training due to their intelligence and desire to please their owners. Unlike other breeds that may struggle to learn new commands, Labradors are quick learners and typically do not require costly obedience classes for training. This breed’s combination of intelligence and willingness to learn makes them one of the most trainable dogs without much effort.

Labs are one of the most talented swimmers in the dog kingdom, making every trip to the beach or a river an entertaining adventure. It's an attribute that dates back to their days retrieving fishing nets - they even have webbed feet to help power them through the water.

6. Labrador Retrievers excel in swimming Labrador Retrievers are known for their excellent swimming skills, making any outing to the beach or a river a fun-filled experience. This talent can be traced back to their history of retrieving fishing nets, and they even have webbed feet to aid them in navigating through the water. Photo credit: Canva/Getty Images

Stanley Coren, a professor of canine psychology, is the world expert on how clever different breeds are. His landmark book 'The Intelligence of Dogs' ranks the Lab as being the seventh most intelligent of all the breeds.

7. They possess high levels of intelligence Stanley Coren, an expert in studying canine psychology, is well-known for his extensive research on the intelligence levels of various dog breeds. According to his renowned book ‘The Intelligence of Dogs’, Labradors are ranked as the seventh most intelligent breed. Image source: Canva/Getty Images.

There's no expensive trips to the dog grooming salon for Labrador owners. The Lab's coat may moult, meaning a powerful hoover is a must, but otherwise the occasional bath if they've rolled in something smelly is all that is required to keep them looking pristine.

8. Labrador retrievers are easy to care for Labrador owners can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that they won’t have to shell out big bucks for frequent trips to the grooming salon. While Labs may shed their coat, a strong vacuum cleaner should do the trick in keeping your home clean. Plus, a simple bath now and then should suffice if they happen to roll in something stinky. With the increasing popularity of owning a dog during the pandemic and the continued high demand for furry companions post-lockdown, it’s no wonder many of us are thinking about welcoming a new puppy into our lives.

One of the reasons that Labs make such great hunting dogs is that they have 'soft mouths' - meaning they are able to carry birds without damaging them with their teeth. This attribute is also great for a family pet - they are unlikely to bite or nip past puppyhood.

9. Labs are known for their gentle nature, making them excellent hunting companions due to their ability to carry birds without causing harm with their teeth. This gentle characteristic also makes them great family pets, as they are less likely to bite or nip as they grow out of their puppy stage. Image: Canva/Getty Images

While Labs will bark occasionally if they need to draw your attention to something important, they are generally quiet dogs. It's rare for a Lab to bark or howl through the night, or when left alone, meaning you'll not fall out with those living nearby.

10. Your Neighbors Will Sleep Soundly Labrador Retrievers are known for their quiet nature, only barking when necessary. They are not prone to constant barking or howling, ensuring that your neighbors won’t be disturbed. So, you can rest assured that your furry friend won’t cause any late-night noise disturbances in the neighborhood. Photo: Canva/Getty Images

Labradors are well known for being one of the most playful breeds of dog. They'll never tire of playing fetch with their owner, while a trip to the park will see them instantly make new four-legged playmates as they lead the fun and games.

Labradors are famous for their playful nature, often being referred to as lively pups. They love playing fetch with their humans and enjoy making new furry friends at the park. Their energy and enthusiasm for fun and games make them a popular choice for many dog lovers. Image Source: Canva/Getty Images.

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