“Compassionate Samaritan rescues 15 malnourished dogs in desperate need”

We will always speak out against any injustices and cruelty towards dogs, especially when they are neglected to the point of being skeletal and on the brink of starvation, requiring urgent assistance. There are individuals who show inhumane treatment towards animals, but there are also those who recognize the importance of caring for and respecting them as living beings. A group of dogs recently experienced this stark contrast firsthand when their neglectful owner abandoned them, leaving them in heartbreaking physical conditions. These majestic Great Danes were reduced to mere skin and bones, a tragic sight to behold.


Not far from Bangkok, in Pathum Thani, Thailand, a man abandoned his fifteen Great Dane dogs, neglecting to provide them with proper care and attention. He had been feeding them inadequately, until he eventually stopped altogether. As a result, the poor animals became dangerously thin, with their bones protruding through their skin. Witnessing these emaciated dogs was truly heartbreaking.

Alerted by concerned citizens, volunteers from Watchdog Thailand rushed to the farm’s location and were met with a truly disheartening sight. Upon arrival, they could easily feel every bone protruding under the skin of the neglected animals.

The poor dogs were stuck in cages, all of them malnourished and in bad shape. The rescuers worked tirelessly, giving them water and food in the hopes of helping them recover. It was a delicate process, as feeding them too much too quickly could be harmful, since their stomachs were no longer accustomed to food.

Family members who reside close to the farm have informed the authorities that the property has served as a dog kennel for an extended period. Unfortunately, due to financial constraints, the owner had to cease operations, abandoning the poor dogs without any care or support. It is truly unfathomable how such cruelty and indifference can be directed towards the most vulnerable creatures.

Nui, a 50-year-old housekeeper, was approached by a relative of the dog breeder to look after the place. However, upon seeing the dire situation the Great Danes were in, she felt it necessary to contact the animal protection organization to intervene. Thankfully, there was hope in sight to rescue the dogs from their perilous fate.

It was discovered that due to neglect and irresponsibility, a female dog and her two puppies perished in a cage. The sight of their skeletal remains sparked outrage and a sense of helplessness among social media users.

Thankfully, the animals were finally receiving the proper care they had always deserved. However, the most exciting part was still on the way. When King Maha Vajiralongkorn, also known as Rama X, was informed about the situation, he instructed his family to adopt the animals and cover the costs for their rehabilitation. A genuine leader, he sets a great example for others to follow.

“We just got word from the King himself! His Royal Highness has commanded a team to take in the dogs at the Animal Welfare Division,” shared a representative from Watchdog Thailand. The fortunate pups, who have endured hardships, were in disbelief that they were going to be adopted by none other than a member of royalty.”

Additionally, the king made sure that the heartless individual responsible for animal cruelty will be held accountable for their actions. This positive outcome is a great relief after the harrowing experience they endured. Their suffering will be a thing of the past, and in their new environment, they can finally enjoy the happiness they are worthy of. Let’s always keep in mind that animals are loyal companions who provide us with genuine and unconditional love. They should never be subjected to such inhumane treatment.

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