Cat Haters: Famous People in History Who Disliked Cats

Beware feline haters: Cats have nine lives and long memories!

Beware feline haters: Cats have nine lives and long memories!

Rudra Pratap barik/Unsplash

History’s Cat Haters Club: Karma’s Gonna Get ‘Em Good

If there’s any truth to this saying, Hell is going to be chock full of dictators, puffed-up men, and a few other famous people whose identities just might shock you.

As appropriate penance for their misdeeds, I imagine these cat haters will spend all eternity surrounded by fuzzy felines who purr loudly in the haters’ ears, curl up tightly in their laps, and lick their faces with scratchy tongues and tuna breath. On occasion, the cats might even pee on things that are important to them.

And the haters will just have to take their punishment.

Really, now. How could a person hate a fuzzy kitty cat? Being indifferent is one thing, but to despise a whole species? Puh-leeze.

As a child, I was bitten on the face by a neighbor’s dog right below my eye — a traumatic incident. However, I sure don’t hate dogs or seek to harm them.

But then I am reminded that many of the members of History’s Cat Haters Club were not your ordinary lot. Just look what they did to people. ‘Nuff said.

Ailurophobia is the extreme and irrational fear of cats.  However, there are also people who are just plain evil and seek to do cats harm.  Cat haters in history have long been intimidated by the Almighty Cat's self-assurance.

Ailurophobia is the extreme and irrational fear of cats. However, there are also people who are just plain evil and seek to do cats harm. Cat haters in history have long been intimidated by the Almighty Cat’s self-assurance.

violetta via Pixabay, CC-BY-SA 3.0

“How you behave toward cats here below determines your status in Heaven.”

— Robert A Heinlein, American journalist

This cat has nine lives to plot his payback on behalf of catkind.

This cat has nine lives to plot his payback on behalf of catkind.

Akash Malhotra via Flickr, CC-BY-SA 2.0

Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler: Brutal Buddies

What a pair these guys were.

As a youth, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) was repeatedly expelled from school for bullying. Shouldn’t that have been a sign?

He was subsequently kicked out of a neighboring country (Switzerland) as well a political party (the Socialists) before forming his own right-wing Fascist party. Mussolini’s Fascists opposed social class discrimination and advocated Italian nationalism. The puffed-up dictator made shouting speeches promising to restore early 20th century Italy to its former Roman glory.1

World War II dictators Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler were famous cat haters.  Wouldn't it serve them right to spend eternity surrounded by meowing, purring, scratching kitty cats?  But wait -- the cats don't deserve that!

World War II dictators Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler were famous cat haters. Wouldn’t it serve them right to spend eternity surrounded by meowing, purring, scratching kitty cats? But wait — the cats don’t deserve that!

Muzej Revolucije Narodnosti Jugoslavije via Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain

Mussolini Was a Cat Hater Through and Through

Mussolini was cruel by nature, as evidenced in a brutal rape of an English journalist; during an interview she posed a question that he didn’t like.2 He established an anti-modern agenda in Italy featuring misogynistic, homophobic, and virilistic values.

As if this weren’t enough, Mussolini was also a noted cat hater, as observed by American journalist John Gunter: “The things that Mussolini hates most are Hitler, aristocrats, money, cats, and old age.”3



15 Reasons Not to Have a Pet Cat

Jun 13, 2024 3:27 PM EDT

There's a special place in Hell for people who hate cats.  Do you even have a heartbeat?

There’s a special place in Hell for people who hate cats. Do you even have a heartbeat?

(C) Jessica Neill, used with permission

Smile, Fancy, you've earned your horns!  My cat, Fancy, was always unpredictable.  Just when you thought she enjoyed a nice head scratch, she'd pop you good with her claws extended.  There was never a warning. We sure loved the old gal.

Smile, Fancy, you’ve earned your horns! My cat, Fancy, was always unpredictable. Just when you thought she enjoyed a nice head scratch, she’d pop you good with her claws extended. There was never a warning. We sure loved the old gal.

(C) FlourishAnyway

Mussolini’s Son Tried to Edit History

In a 2006 memoir Mussolini’s son, Romano, denied the notion that the Fascist dictator hated cats. Son Romano claimed that the family had a Persian cat that would occupy Il Duce’s favorite armchair. At times, the dictator allegedly opted to sit on a footstool rather than disturb the napping feline.4 (Really?)

Romano Mussolini was criticized, however, as a revisionist biographer in many ways. He was a son writing a memoir six decades after the death of a much-despised dictator father. As such, he conveniently ignored many facts and glossed over others.

It’s more likely that Mussolini did indeed hate cats, as was originally reported. After all, Mussolini was the same misanthrope who said, “Let us have a dagger between our teeth, a bomb in our hands, and an infinite scorn in our hearts.”

Is that a man whose heart goes to jello over any animal?

Don't make this cat angry.  He doesn't want to have to hurt you.

Don’t make this cat angry. He doesn’t want to have to hurt you.

Andi via Flickr, CC-BY-SA 2.0

Hitler: Foe of Felines?

Mussolini formed an uneasy military alliance with Adolf Hitler, known as the “Pact of Steel.” Hitler, his partner in hate, (1889-1945) was the ruthless Austrian-born leader of Germany’s Nazi regime.

During World War II, Hitler’s ideas of racial purity led to the slaughter of millions of people whom he deemed inferior, racially or otherwise. This included approximately 6 million Jews in the Holocaust, 2 million Poles, 3 million Soviet prisoners of war, his political opponents, homosexuals, people with disabilities, trade unionists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and others.5

Hitler: Frustrated Artist and Dog Lover

The Führer was a frustrated painter, having failed as a watercolor artist in his youth. He became homeless thereafter and developed deep anti-Semitic beliefs. Hitler then pursued a military career, political extremism, and a passion for political vitriol.

Although Hitler is often said to have despised cats, there is no specific evidence of this. (Some say he loved animals.)

The megalomaniacal dictator did specifically enjoy dogs. German Shepherds were a personal favorite. Hitler’s appreciation of the breed was an extension of his beliefs in racially and culturally pure bloodlines.6

Hitler’s own German Shepherd, Blondi, sometimes slept in his bedroom. She was with him in the bunker where he and others eventually took their own lives rather than surrender. Blondi was given the test cyanide pill to ensure that the method of suicide worked.

This cat is plotting revenge on history's cat haters.  He's planning to scratch leather furniture, pee in shoes, and hiss at them randomly.  That's just for starters.

This cat is plotting revenge on history’s cat haters. He’s planning to scratch leather furniture, pee in shoes, and hiss at them randomly. That’s just for starters.

Dave Emerson via Flickr, CC-BY-SA 2.0

Eva’s in Trouble, Too

Eva Braun, Hitler’s mistress (and in the last hours, his wife), liked cats. However, the couple only kept dogs as pets. She was not a fan of Blondi and admitted to having sometimes kicked Hitler’s dog under the table!

It looks like cats are not the only ones who will be getting revenge on the haters.

Beware!  This lovely feline is plotting his revenge on cat haters in the name of catkind.  Ain't nothing like cat karma!  Meow!

Beware! This lovely feline is plotting his revenge on cat haters in the name of catkind. Ain’t nothing like cat karma! Meow!

Tatankalyotanka, via Morgue File, CC-BY-SA 3.0

“A cat’s got her own opinion of human beings. She don’t say much, but you can tell enough that it makes you anxious not to hear the whole of it.”

— Jerome K. Jerome, English author

Johannes Brahms: The Disappointing Man Behind the Music

After what I now know about Johannes Brahms, his lullaby will never be the same for me. It was the last work he wrote in his life, and he dedicated it to a friend’s infant son.

Sweet, huh? Well, the man behind the music is not. He’s disappointing for both his misogyny and his hate of cats.

That's exactly what I was thinking.  I don't like his music anymore.

That’s exactly what I was thinking. I don’t like his music anymore.

Source: Andrew Miller via Flickr, CC-BY-SA 2.0

Brahms (1833-1897) was a popular German composer and pianist who spent much of his career in Austria. Brahms received early training in piano from his father and became a lifelong perfectionist who produced complex musical masterpieces.

To help his struggling family financially, young Brahms was required to play his music all night in brothels and dance halls. He was jarred emotionally by the experience and formed conflicting feelings about women as a result.

The composer perceived them all as harlots and as “shallow and senseless,” and he harbored those feelings his entire life. Although Brahms had a long term relationship with another composer’s wife, Brahms never married and he regularly visited prostitutes.

Additionally, Brahms was a vehement cat hater who acted upon his dislike. Through an open window, he used his bow and arrow to try to kill neighborhood cats. Unfortunately, he’s not the only famous man in history who inflicted harm on felines.

"Any conditioned cat hater can be won over by any cat who chooses to make the effort." - Paul Corey

“Any conditioned cat hater can be won over by any cat who chooses to make the effort.” – Paul Corey

manukin via Pixabay, CC-BY-SA 3.0

Dwight Eisenhower: Now I Don’t Like Ike

Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) was an American five-star general who served as the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe during World War II before becoming the 34th American President. As President, he was both credited and criticized for his prudence.7 In his farewell address, he cautioned the nation to “avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering, for our own ease and convenience, the precious resources of tomorrow.”

But there was a dark side to this leader. When Eisenhower left office and retired to his farm in Gettysburg, Pennysylvania, he gave his staff orders to shoot any cat they saw on his property.8 Such hating behavior is hardly appropriate behavior for a war hero, wouldn’t you say?

Yes, me, too.  "Ike Eisenhower:  what a turd."  Get him, Kitty!

Yes, me, too. “Ike Eisenhower: what a turd.” Get him, Kitty!

Ana_Cotta via Flickr, CC-BY-SA 2.0

Ike Warmed Up to Dogs (Well, at Least One)

In spite of Ike’s disdain for felines, he came to eventually appreciate a dog that was given to him as a gift. The Weimaraner, named “Heidi,” even had an accident on an expensive rug in the diplomatic reception room of the White House, whereupon she earned the distinction of being the only Presidential pet ever to be banned from the residence.9

Luckily, Heidi went to the President’s farm to wait out his term. In spite of the President’s attachment to his dog, it’s not enough to make me like “Ike.”

Ike ordered his staff to shoot any cat on his farm at Gettysburg.  Dastardly dude!  Real heroes don't do that.

Ike ordered his staff to shoot any cat on his farm at Gettysburg. Dastardly dude! Real heroes don’t do that.

U.S. Government via Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain

Napoleon Bonaparte: He Tawt He Taw a Puddy Tat

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was the ruler of France, known as a dangerous tyrant on the battlefield. However, according to legend, a kitty cat nearly caused the most famous soldier of his day to come unhinged.10 Napoleon became infamous for his fear of cats.

After France’s second occupation of Vienna, an attendant heard the little Emperor shouting in distress late at night. Half undressed and sweating in fear, Napoleon swung his sword wildly at his tapestry-covered walls. He was attempting to protect himself from a cat that had entered his room.

Had Napoleon not been afraid of cats, they could have provided him excellent companionship when he was exiled to the barren island of St. Helena after the Battle of Waterloo.

Had Napoleon not been afraid of cats, they could have provided him excellent companionship when he was exiled to the barren island of St. Helena after the Battle of Waterloo.

Oil painting by Francois-Joseph Sandmann via Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain

The St. Helena Cat Hoax: A Joke at Napoleon’s Expense

Then, in 1815, after Napoleon had been defeated at the Battle of Waterloo and exiled to the island of St. Helena, residents of the barren rocky island played a joke on the cat-fearing leader. Just before his arrival, an anonymous source circulated a handbill announcing that the island was infested with rats. Bounties were offered for each cat.

Residents eagerly gathered up cats both large and small. On the specified day, islanders delivered the cats to the appointed location to collect their bounties. There was a riot when the joke was exposed. The cats escaped.

What a welcome for the befallen emperor!

Time spent with a cat is never wasted.  They are always interesting and fun to watch.

Time spent with a cat is never wasted. They are always interesting and fun to watch.

bergadder via Pixabay, CC-BY-SA 3.0

Noah Webster: Grammar Nazi and Cat Hater

Look up “Noah Webster” in the dictionary and you’ll find a vehement cat hater.

Webster called the cat a “deceitful animal and when enraged, extremely spiteful.” (In defense of cats, I deny his baseless allegation, although I do hope his fellow cat haters take note. Just sayin’.)

Webster (1758-1843) was an author and lexicographer whose passion was the advancement of an American English language. His dictionary promoted standardized spelling, grammar and pronunciation. We have him to thank for changing “re” to “er” in some words (theatre/theater), choosing “s” instead of “c” in words like defense, and dropping the “u” in words like colour.

With a cat-hating attitude like he had, it’s a good thing language was his priority, rather than animals. Spelling gave him something important to do without disturbing the poor felines too much.

Look at the hate on his face.  Noah calls cats deceitful and spiteful.  No, they are playful, cunning, and confident.  Get back to your dictionary.

Look at the hate on his face. Noah calls cats deceitful and spiteful. No, they are playful, cunning, and confident. Get back to your dictionary.

Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Tyrants, Brutes, and Other Hatin’ Fools

It’s no surprise that Mongolian warrior Genghis Khan (1162-1227) hated cats. The man was a freaking sadist. He had enemies boiled alive.11 On his quest to expand his vast empire, the ruler killed 40 million people. Large land tracts were deforested following massive depopulation.12

Then, when the bloodthirsty militant placed a walled Chinese city under siege, Khan demanded a ransom of 1,000 cats and 10,000 swallows. Upon delivery of the animals, he had material tied to their backs then set the material on fire. This sent the city up in flames as the poor animals fled.

The self-imposed ruler is credited with the popular quotation “it’s not how many breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.” However, Khan also proudly proclaimed: “I am the flail of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”

Genghis the hater was a prolific lover.  He has 16 million descendants today.

Genghis the hater was a prolific lover. He has 16 million descendants today.

Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Henry III of France (1551-1589), son of Catherine de’ Medici and Henry II, was an ineffective ruler who persecuted Protestants and scandalized the throne with his liaisons with male “favorites.” The mere sight of a cat would throw him into a tizzy. The poor fellow would faint.

French naturalist Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707-1788) was famous for his natural history volumes that inspired two generations of naturalists. However, the man who studied such a wide range of plants and animals dared to offend cats and those who loved them.

He said that cats had “an innate malice and perverse disposition which increases as they grow up.” He added that they “easily assume the habits of society, but never acquire its manners.”

Before you sharpen your claws, consider the source. This was the same man who advocated a theory that the New World was inferior to Eurasia because of America’s marsh odors and dense forests. Buffon said that Americans were less virile because we lacked large animals. The claim offended Thomas Jefferson so much that Jefferson had soldiers round up a bull moose in response. Take that!

The mere sight of a kitty cat made Henry III of France faint.  I won't give you the punch line.

The mere sight of a kitty cat made Henry III of France faint. I won’t give you the punch line.

Marcello Bacciarelli via Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain

Cat haters can change their hearts if only they'll try.  Cats aren't asking for love (they don't care enough).  Just don't hate them.

Cat haters can change their hearts if only they’ll try. Cats aren’t asking for love (they don’t care enough). Just don’t hate them.

fill via Pixabay, CC-BY-SA 3.0

Where Are the Haters Now?

You can tell a lot about a man from what he despises … injustice, inequality, homelessness, war. . .but cats?

History’s Cat Hater’s Club is an ugly one filled with those who were hungry for power. Perhaps they were jealous of the cat’s self-confidence. The cat yields to no man, and especially not to dictators and despots.

You cannot command or own a cat. You must persuade him. And then your chances are just so-so.

Taking an instant dislike to a creature as majestic and interpersonally astute as a cat is not a wise move. If Karma acts as it should, right about now in the great beyond all those cat haters are gathered around. Mussolini’s boots are sloshing in cat urine. Noah Webster’s lap in full of yacked up hairballs. Genghis Khan’s beard has become a play toy.

And they all listening to the auto-loop of cats meowing to the tune of Brahm’s lullaby. But don’t worry if the kitties miss a note; they’ll have all eternity to perfect it. Bahahaha!

Karma is hell. Never hate a cat, ya’ll.

"Hey, cat hater!  Your flowerbed is my litter box.  Ba-ha-ha-ha."
Mad as a cut snake and ready to exact revenge.
I AM smiling.
No more photos.  I mean it, wise cracker.  Shouldn't I get royalties?
Relax, we called you a pussy CAT, that's all.  Stop overreacting.
"I have a set of claws right here with the name of my haters.  Just let me at 'em."
"I see cat pee in your shoes in the very near future."
"Here's how I'll go all ninja on those haters."
This cat is catching a few winks, but when he wakes up he'll definitely continue to plot his revenge.
He'll sneak, then pounce.  The haters won't even see him coming.

“Hey, cat hater! Your flowerbed is my litter box. Ba-ha-ha-ha.”

Questions & Answers

Question: Why do some people dislike cats?

Answer: People’s preferences are molded by their past experiences with cats such as being scratched as a child (obviously, their fault) or growing up with a family cat (how fortunate!).

A lack of exposure to cats may prompt avoidance, as we fear what we don’t understand. History is full of harmful and untrue old wives tales that have unfairly victimized cats, and they do not deserve repeating.

People’s preferences are also influenced by their own personalities, as we seek pets who reflect who we are. Research indicates that dog people tend to be more extroverted (outgoing) and conscientious (rule-following) while cat people tend to be more open to experience (adventurous) and neurotic (sensitive). Cat people also tend to be smarter on average, according to research.

People who claim to dislike cats sometimes cite allergies. While both dogs and cats have dander that may cause allergies, cats are exceptionally clean animals, and their frequent self-grooming may aggravate pet allergies. Others don’t like having to scoop litter boxes, but I find it strange that they don’t mind picking up dog doo. Cats literally train themselves to use the litterbox. All you have to do is scoop.

Others consider cats too independent and not needy enough. However, cat lovers understand that that’s part of the allure. You never own a cat. She owns you.

I’ve seen hardened cat-haters become dedicated cat-lovers after a magic cat walked into their lives. The purring, the quiet confidence, the assistance you get at the computer! It can happen. Thus, I leave you with this quote:

“Any conditioned cat-hater can be won over by any cat who chooses to make the effort.” – Paul Corey

© 2013 Elaina Baker


Elaina Baker (author) from USA on February 20, 2018:

Shem, Cat dudes and ladies make the world go ’round. Cats are amazing, intuitive creatures who are very smart, loving, and loyal to those who commit to caring for them. Thank you for sharing your perspective.

Shem Reed on February 19, 2018:

I loved cats. People whom hate cats. I cannot be friend with them whom hate cats. I do friend whom didn’t like cat but acceptable. For myself I am not crazy about dogs but I do acceptable because my sister dog lover.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on October 09, 2017:

Bruce – Happy to help you, sir!

Bruce Rheinstein on October 09, 2017:

Thanks. That is what I was looking for!

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on October 08, 2017:

Bruce – Sure. A primary source is David Eisenhower, grandson and biographer of the late President, who wrote “Going Home to Glory: A Memoir of Life with Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961-1969.” On page 44 he wrote, “Granddad had issued a ‘shoot on sight’ order regarding the barnyard cats that wander on and off the property.” Many of us hide our true selves, especially the darker elements, from those we want to protect. Maybe he was telling Mamie one thing and behaving another way (as one does with an affair), or he changed his mind when he got to Gettysburg?

Bruce Rheinstein on October 08, 2017:

Is there a primary source for the Eisenhower hates cats information? I’ve seen it on several sites, but never properly sourced and it conflicts with his letter to his wife about settling down after the war with, “A dozen cats and dogs, with a horse or two, maybe a place to fish…” Eisenhower: a Soldier’s Life, pg. 464. His granddaughter, Susan, also quotes from the letter in her book.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on July 10, 2017:

Sara – That’s so sad.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on January 16, 2017:

greenmind – Thanks for stopping by. I hope you’re a cat lover. 🙂

GreenMind Guides from USA on January 16, 2017:

What a cool idea for a hub — this is really cool thanks.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on June 07, 2016:

Crystal – Ha! Thanks for the observation!

Crystal on June 06, 2016:

I would like to point out that more than 60% of your poll takers did NOT answer that they hate Hitler the most. Really!? It’s freaking Hitler, you guys.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on May 31, 2014:

Techygran – Glad you enjoyed … and most of all glad you’re among the cat lovers.

Cynthia Zirkwitz from Vancouver Island, Canada on May 30, 2014:

what an entertaining hub!

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on February 07, 2014:

Kat – Beautifully said. I’ve never met a cat I did not like.

KatWrangler on February 07, 2014:

In my observation, people who hate cats do so because you can not control a cat. You can’t bribe them to like you, you have to earn their affection. That’s what I love about cats . I do not want to control anyone or anything, and I don’t want anyone to control me.

Dogs may be man’s best friend, but cats are our kindred spirit.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on January 29, 2014:

grand old lady – You are absolutely right.

Mona Sabalones Gonzalez from Philippines on January 29, 2014:

Very well researched compilation of cat haters. Turns out, the cat haters were a bunch of jerks, anyway. LOL.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on January 29, 2014:

Danida – These sentiments make you my kind of purrson.

Danida from London on January 29, 2014:

Haha very interesting and funny! I know a lot of people who hate cats and some who are terrified to the very depths of their souls by cats. My best friends sees my gorgeous cat and jumps ten feet into the air.

I see how you could be scared of them (maybe it has something to do how they come from wild cats and some instinct still tells them they’re dangerous) but how could you possible hate cats? They’re adorable, fluffy creatures! Anyone that harms them should go straight to the deepest circle of hell.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on January 19, 2014:

Dolores – I’ve personally known those odd people who claimed to dislike cats. They just haven’t met the right cat. Cats can completely turn your heart around. I’m so glad Banjo came into your life and meowed some good sense into you about how you feel about felines. I’m sure both you and he are better “purrsons” for having known one another.

Dolores Monet from East Coast, United States on January 19, 2014:

A fabulous, interesting hub. But what I liked best was how you’ve made me laugh. Captions such as “The Lonely, Isolated Life Of Someone Who Does Not Like Cats” struck me so funny. I never hated cats but was never a cat person till I found a little lost kitten, scooped him up and called him Banjo. Not that I am now a cat nut, but he changed my opinion of cats forever.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on January 05, 2014:

ologsinquito – Thanks for stopping by and for pinning. Have a great weekend.

ologsinquito from USA on January 05, 2014:

This is interesting, and a different spin on writing about cats. There are a lot of cat lovers out there, (and probably a few cat haters as well), so I’m pinning this to my Things You Really Need to Know board.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 19, 2013:

Careermommy – That’s the way to be. If you can’t love them, at least appreciate their brilliance. They are clever, funny, and clearly gifted beings. Thanks for stopping by.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 19, 2013:

Nell – Poor Napoleon. Sounds like the little guy had a traumatic early childhood experience he was deeply repressing. Thanks for the vote, read, and share.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 19, 2013:

moonlake – Good for that white cat. He was just try to condition your friend, break her down. Sounds like she is a very resistant sort, being in her nineties, but I bet that with enough pressure that white cat can bring the lady to her knees and make her a cat lover. Even the hardest hearts eventually succumb under the right cat’s gentle love. Thanks for reading and commenting!

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 19, 2013:

Rebecca – Animal lovers are indeed awesome. (Beware of those who do not enjoy animals whatsoever. I think they hide dark hearts.) Thanks for stopping by and for sharing!

Tirralan Watkins from Los Angeles, CA on December 18, 2013:

Ha, what a great hub! I’m not necessary a cat lover, because I’m allergic, but I do appreciate them. They are so clever. I love the originality of this article.

Nell Rose from Buckinghamshire UK on December 18, 2013:

Oh My God this was brilliant! lol! and I can’t stop laughing at Bonaparte! Haha! he didn’t like cats because they were bigger than him silly little man! loved the joke about letting the cats out on the island! what a great hub! I love cats, they are so funny, and who doesn’t like them? Oh yeah, the nasty people! voted up and shared!

moonlake from America on December 18, 2013:

How can people hate them? I had a friend that didn’t like cats. We owned a big white cat and every time she would come over he made sure he jumped on her lap. He didn’t do that to anyone else. I would see her petting him. She’s in her nineties now and still says she hates cats.

Rebecca Mealey from Northeastern Georgia, USA on December 18, 2013:

What a cool article! I took a personality test once, of course it was one of many out there, but the question that sticks out in my mind was….Are you a dog person,cat person or both. A quick answer of BOTH with no hesitation signifies the most congenial people. Great job. Shared,for sure!

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 18, 2013:

LKMore01 – Although I cannot understand cat haters, I hope the kitties one day have their way. They’ll triumph in the end. Thanks for reading and commenting.

LKMore01 on December 18, 2013:


This was an honest, eye-opening and educational perspective on cat haters. When you love animals you always want to understand how or why other people dislike them. Great article!

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 16, 2013:

Kittythedreamer – My thoughts exactly! It’s a hard, cold heart that hates a cat. Love your name. Meow.

Kitty Fields from Summerland on December 16, 2013:

This was very interesting. How can anyone hate a cat? I can’t help it…I’m a cat lover. 🙂

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 13, 2013:

fpherj48 – You’ve got a good heart, and I can tell you and your Tommy Two are looking after one another. I don’t get the haters either. Indifferent is one thing but active dislike takes energy and isn’t right. Have a wonderful weekend curled up with your favorite buddies. Thanks for stopping by.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 13, 2013:

WiccanSage – I like your explanation. Cats will never bow to a dictator or any man. They must be gently cajoled, coaxed, persuaded. They have a sense of humor, timing and justice. Thank you for reading and commenting! Have a great weekend!

Mackenzie Sage Wright on December 13, 2013:

Wow… how can anyone hate cats? I guess I’m just too much of an animal lover to understand… I love cats, I love dogs too. Different creatures for sure. Maybe the dictators hated the cats because they felt too threatened by the cats– they might succeed ruling over humans but never would succeed to rule over cats. This was a very interesting and entertaining hub!

Suzie from Carson City on December 12, 2013:

As a person who has had kittens/cats, puppies/dogs and even Bunny rabbits…….at all times, for as far back as I can recall, “hating” or even disliking these precious pets, is beyond my comprehension. I remember being without a fur baby for a couple of weeks…..and I literally felt this vast emptiness inside, until I was able to adopt a kitten and a puppy on the same day. Go ahead, laugh at me……I don’t care.

It’s one thing to be “indifferent” to cats….although I don’t understand it. It’s a whole other serious issue to actually HATE them or heaven forbid, intentionally do them harm. The latter, in fact, has been undeniably proven to be a specific characteristic of individuals with mental illness or an extremely evil mind.

I read this hub to my “Tommy Two,” he washed his face, stretched his front legs, yawned…and curled up next to his canine brother. Bless his feline heart…he’s very tolerant of ignorant, nasty people…..UP++++

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 12, 2013:

Oh, Victoria Lynn, a big hug for you and all six of your cats (and your one dog). I love that you are also a cat lady. Brahms IS a bozo. When I learned what I did, I felt I needed to out him as the hater that he was. He’ll get what’s coming to him with interest, I’m sure. Have a purrfect day!

Victoria Lynn from Arkansas, USA on December 12, 2013:

Oh, no! I always loved Brahms’ lullaby. It will never be the same. I can expect a cat hater out of Hitler, but Ike? I’m so disappointed. People who can’t appreciate the complexity and beauty of a cat has something truly wrong with them, and there is a special circle reserved for them, I’m sure. I love my cats–all six of them! And my dog, who sometimes acts like a cat. He did grow up with them, after all. 🙂 I gave you all the votes and am sharing this one!

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 12, 2013:

informationshelte – That is fascinating information indeed. Wow, thanks for sharing that tidbit. I don’t ever plan on eating either! Have a great day and thanks for reading and taking the time to comment.

informationshelte on December 12, 2013:

Hi FlourishAnyway,

Now I can understand why cats are gifted with nine lives!

Another thing is that cats don’t cannibalize each other, while we humans do it, both literally (!) and figuratively.

Skinned rabbits are identical to skinned cats and you can’t tell the difference. So when chefs want to check if it’s really or rabbit or a cat, they take a living cat to smell the skinned meat. If the cat moves away that means the skinned meat comes from another cat, and not from a rabbit!

Here is a link you might like to the “Cat, man, lion story”-…

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 11, 2013:

DzyMsLizzy – That was my thought exactly on the “taking your breath away” quote. Years ago, I thought it was so uplifting I bought a little plaque with its inscription. Now, knowing more about its source I am not in love with the quote as much. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment.

Liz Elias from Oakley, CA on December 10, 2013:

Oh, my goodness! I had no idea so many of these folks hated cats. How rude! But then, consider the source in all cases!

I am distraught to learn that the quote about “taking your breath away” originates from such a hateful will be banished from among my favorite sayings.. humph!

Voted up and interesting!

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 10, 2013:

Crafty – Cats do know how to give people what they have coming to them. Thanks for stopping by!

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 10, 2013:

vespawoolf – That is exactly what I thought. Traditional bad guys who hate cats, ok I expect that. But a war hero/American President and the guy who composed that lullaby everyone knows? Ugh. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Vespa Woolf from Peru, South America on December 10, 2013:

I´m not surprised by some of the dictator/cat haters on this list, but Brahms and Ike?? Kind of gives you a different perspective of a person. I agree…you can tell a lot about a person by the way he treats animals. This was a nice contrast to your cat lovers Hub. Thank you!

CraftytotheCore on December 10, 2013:

Another interesting Hub full of fun facts. I’ve had maybe one person come over and say they don’t like cats. It’s funny because it’s usually that one person my cats take a liking too to an extreme. They rub on their legs, jump in their laps, purr loudly….all very entertaining. LOL

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 09, 2013:

Manny – Thanks for reading. I’m glad you enjoyed this!

Manny Santos from New York, New York on December 09, 2013:

Informative and funny Hub, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Great graphics. I will make sure to read your other Hubs.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 09, 2013:

bravewarrior – I just don’t get it either. I think they’re beautiful, smell fabulous, have wonderful grooming habits, I like how they’re not afraid to look you in the eye then give you the cold shoulder … they’re purrfect. They do know how to change a person’s heart when they want to. Glad you’re a cat lover, Sha. They need all the fans they can muster.

Shauna L Bowling from Central Florida on December 09, 2013:

Flourish, I don’t understand how anyone could hate cats, but I’m a cat lover, therefore rather biased. It’s so true, tho that cats will use reverse psychology on those who do not like them. They make themselves ever-present to the cat hater and do everything they can to annoy them. Ha ha – payback’s a bitch!

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 09, 2013:

DDE – That is so very nice of you to say — not the cat hating part but the one of the best writers part. You have made my day. Have a great day. Meow to you.

Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on December 09, 2013:

This is so surprising of how many cat haters there are in this world the famous people I had no idea of them hating cats. You have accomplished an informative hub and you are one of best writers on HP.Voted up, interesting, and useful.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 09, 2013:

oldiesmusic – Isn’t that terrible of Ike? Today I think we’d publicly skewer a President (even retired) or celebrity who ordered something like this. Rightfully so. Thanks for stopping by.

oldiesmusic from United States on December 09, 2013:

Many people really hate cats. But I couldn’t accept that Eisenhower even had them to be shot! This is really insane of him. What did the cats do to them?!? Interesting hub btw

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 08, 2013:

Marcy – Glad you enjoyed this. They are blissfully purrfect companions. So sad you’re missing out on them (achoo). Thanks for stopping by and sharing.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 08, 2013:

Bill – Glad this made you laugh. I couldn’t believe there were so many haters either. Have a great Sunday, and thanks for reading and sharing.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 08, 2013:

Aww, Gordon, we give you a pass for an honest-to-goodness kitty phobia. Bless your heart! I do understand, as I was bitten in the face by a neighbor’s dog when I was a child. I had to grow my confidence back in dogs and myself as a result but never hated them, just overgeneralized an unfortunate one-time situation. Now I am great friends with other people’s dogs. Thanks for reading and commenting!

Gordon Hamilton from North Lanarkshire, United Kingdom on December 08, 2013:

Almost scared to add a truthful comment… That truth is not so much that I hate cats but that I am absolutely terrified of them – they are my absolute, number one phobia and I can’t even go in to a house if I know there’s a cat present. I literally take a major, major panic attack if a cat comes anywhere near me. That’s been the case all my life. As is so often the case with phobias, I suppose (any type of phobia), I can’t explain it or give a reason for it – it’s simply something that’s there and always has been. Sorry – give me my German Shepherds anytime 🙂

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 08, 2013:

Bishop55 – I’m a cat lover, too. I couldn’t imagine life without the little critters. Thanks for reading and commenting!

Bill De Giulio from Massachusetts on December 08, 2013:

I can’t believe there are so many cat haters out there. Great hub FA, really enjoyed this. Great play with words, had me laughing. Voted up , shared, etc…

Marcy Goodfleisch from Planet Earth on December 08, 2013:

This is a really fun hub! I love cats, and I love the Heinlein quote. Unfortunately, my allergies go crazy when I try to adopt a kitty at home. But I still think they’re the most interesting & entertaining pets you can have. Voted up & shared!

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 08, 2013:

Bill – I confess. When I was writing, things got a little rowdy around here with too much holiday eggnog. I got a little loose with the headlines. And hey, I noticed something — I hope you were not the one who voted “cats” on the what do you hate polI. If so, I’ll have to send the spirit of Fancy your way (she’s the cat with the horns and angry countenance). You might as well work on changing your heart now, friend.

Rebecca from USA on December 08, 2013:

I love this! I love cats though, but this was really funny and interesting.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 08, 2013:

AliciaC – Why thank you! I appreciate your warm encouragement. Have a wonderful day!

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 08, 2013:

Jools – Thanks for stopping by. Cats do rule, don’t they? I love the little boogers. Please tell those cat hating friends of yours what they have in store for them in the Everafter if they don’t leave the poor dears alone. Fancy (who has crossed the Rainbow Bridge) was every bit the devil she appears in the photo, although she did have a loving side. I can imagine her biting and swatting Cat Haters’ hands and ankles. She was also not a clean cat; didn’t fool with cleaning the backside. I’ll have her sit up real close to faces for all Eternity if they don’t reform fast! Have a lovely day and thanks for stopping by.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 08, 2013:

CMHypno – I’m with you on that one (and so is the cat on my lap and the one sleeping on the printer beside the computer screen). Cat lovers seem to stare down the gorgeous creatures, whereas those who profess not to enjoy the little dears give them their space and thus unwittingly invite them closer. Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment.

CMHypno from Other Side of the Sun on December 08, 2013:

Never trust anyone who doesn’t like cats! Interesting article, though it always amuses me how cats seem to know those who do not like them and will deliberately sit on them, jump on them or rub themselves up and down them.

Julian Rixon from Cork, Ireland on December 08, 2013:

Ha ha… Thanks for this great hub! I must say that I’m surprised by some of these, particularly Ike! Those measures seem a little extreme though I know of a few of my friends who would totally subscribe to them. I love the photo of Fancy with the horns! It’s an interesting point – most of the cat haters are certainly lusting after power, whether it be good or evil… Cats definitely rule. 🙂

Linda Crampton from British Columbia, Canada on December 08, 2013:

This is an excellent article, FlourishAnyway. It’s interesting, informative and attractive, and I love the style in which it’s written! I’ll share the hub.

Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on December 08, 2013:

Interesting info for sure, but it was the subheadings that had me literally laughing out loud. Thanks for the laugh this cold Sunday morning.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 08, 2013:

Thanks, ologsinquito. I have to agree with you. Some of the cats I’ve had tried every ounce of my patience, although I loved them. Others are very easy to know and love. It’s kind of like some of the people in my life. 🙂 Have a great weekend, and thank you for reading and commenting.

ologsinquito from USA on December 08, 2013:

I like cats, but I’ve liked some cats I’ve owned more than others. Great article.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 08, 2013:

Colleen – He was really something else. Brahms’ friend and mentor, Robert Schumann was the German composer whose wife, Clara, was the object of Brahms’ mutual admiration. Brahms moved into their home after Schumann died in a mental asylum, sacrificing some of his career for her, although the true nature of their relationship is an enigma. He both defended women and insulted them horribly. Cats, however, he apparently hated completely. Thanks for reading and commenting!

Colleen Swan from County Durham on December 08, 2013:

Really intriguing! I now feel a greater interest in reading a biography of Brahms. I must admit books about obnoxious people are more interesting to me than those about nice ones.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 08, 2013:

Frank – Glad you liked this. I found it fascinating that even some of our heroes had this darker side to them. Cats are some of the most photogenic creatures around. They just let their feelings show.

Frank Atanacio from Shelton on December 07, 2013:

wow Flourish what a different take on a hub cat clever.. I never knew Ike disliked cats.. wow.. I learned a also some of the pics are fantastic..( cat pics ) voted entertaining and awesome 🙂

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 07, 2013:

Faith Reaper – It’s such a pleasure to have you stop by, as you always have such encouraging words. After doing the cat lover hub, I figured I owed it to tell the world that there were famous cat haters, too, and not all of them were the ones we commonly think about. I was most disappointed in Brahms and Eisenhower. Ruins my whatever opinion I may have had of them. Have a great weekend.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 07, 2013:

MsDora – Thank you so much. Isn’t it interesting how some of the historical giants had such tiny hearts? I appreciate your reading and commenting!

Faith Reaper from southern USA on December 07, 2013:

Interesting hub of those who hate cats in history! I am not surprised at the list there! Enjoyed reading more interesting facts about those cat haters too. Always love your choice of photos! Love your commentary too.

Up and more and sharing

Hugs, Faith Reaper

Dora Weithers from The Caribbean on December 07, 2013:

Interesting and origina! VotedUp. You did a great job of presenting the information of these historical greats who hated cats. Thank you for sharing.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 07, 2013:

Heidi – That’s a great idea. I don’t trust anyone who is unkind to animals. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Heidi Thorne from Chicago Area on December 07, 2013:

Maybe politicians should indicate their position on cats when running for office! We’ll vote accordingly. 🙂 Thanks for your support of fabulous felines!

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 07, 2013:

electronician – Thanks for reading and commenting. How we treat animals says a lot about our character. Have a great weekend.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 07, 2013:

Theophanes – You are absolutely right. Malice committed by children towards animal is a warning sign for even uglier things to come. Thanks for reading and commenting. Peace to you.

Dean Walsh from Birmingham, England on December 07, 2013:

Strange; when I saw the title of this hub I immediately thought of Hitler and there his name was at the top of the page! I’m sure I’ve never heard that about him before, but there aren’t many people I can think of that are evil enough to be able to hate cats.

Theophanes Avery from New England on December 07, 2013:

Interesting. I don’t trust anyone who professes to “hate,” or does not know how to react to, any sort of animal, be it a cat, dog, or what-have-you. Phobic people sometimes get a pass but if a cat hopes up on the couch next to you and you react like it’s a harbinger of plague then I automatically make a note in my head! Unfortunately being small and easy to catch cats also make common targets for serial killers when they’re still children. Sad but true.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 07, 2013:

Paradise7 – Thanks for stopping by. I was so disappointed in ol’ Ike. It’s one thing to dislike and another to act on it. Meh. Have a great day!

Paradise7 from Upstate New York on December 07, 2013:

Ha! I really enjoyed this unique perspective on some historical characters. I was also surprised to discover that Ike didn’t like cats.

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 07, 2013:

Jackie – I’m right there with you on the eye issues. I’ll put “go to the eye doctor” on my New Year’s Resolution list if you will. Glad you enjoyed this.

Jackie Lynnley from the beautiful south on December 07, 2013:

This is some great info and sounds right enough to me. It took me a little while to make out the calico picture, I thought it was something nasty at the bottom of a cats teeth which would have had the cat upside down so when I got to his eyes that were right side up, it really threw me. Um, did I say I need glasses? lol Up and sharing!

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 07, 2013:

kidscrafts – Cats have had such a sad history of being persecuted unfairly, but today they have so many loyalists. Thanks for reading. Meow for now!

kidscrafts from Ottawa, Canada on December 07, 2013:

It is so sad to realize that so many people hate cats! I feel that sometimes cats can read and feel your soul… so may be cat haters don’t like to be read!

I once visited a Flemish municipality in Belgium (Ypres) where they have a “Festival of the Cats”. Unfortunately, the origin of this festival is a sad story, in the Middle Ages cats were thrown from the belfry tower.

It seems that the origin of that custom was probably that cats were connected to witchcraft. Those poor cats suffered through times. The only safe place in time seemed to be in Egypt!

I love your “signature” at the end of your hub! Very cute!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

PS: Great choice of pictures!

Elaina Baker (author) from USA on December 07, 2013:

Suzanne – Glad you enjoyed this. It’s a very hateful man that hates a cat.

Suzanne Day from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on December 07, 2013:

LOL these dictators have a lot wrong with them as well as hating cats! I didn’t know Blondi was the test subject for the cyanide pill. The photos made me laugh as well! Voted funny.

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