“Brave Cat Takes on Intruder: Outsmarting the Fox on His Territory”

Supercat: There is no mistaking the fear in the fox's eyes as he realises he has messed with the wrong house cat

Supercat: It’s impossible to miss the fear in the fox’s eyes as he recognizes he’s tangled with the wrong feline.

Leon the lion: The cat dashed after the fox with the fearlessness of a much larger feline and quickly sent it packing

Leon the lion ran after the fox boldly, displaying the courage typically seen in larger cats as he chased it down.

Outfoxed: The fox bitterly regretted his decision to ever come near Leon's owner's bins

Outsmarted: The cunning fox deeply lamented approaching the trash cans of Leon’s owner in the first place.

The terrified Mr Fox: The fox appears to be barking for mercy as Leon nips at his tail as to get him off the grass outside his owner's house in Troms, Norway

The frightened fox: The fox seems to be pleading for leniency as Leon playfully bites at his tail, trying to lure him away from the lawn in front of his owner’s residence in Troms, Norway.

Closing in: It takes a pretty brave creature to stand up to Leon - and this fox was not among them

Getting closer: Only the bravest creatures dare to challenge Leon, and unfortunately, this fox was not one of them.

Off he goes: The fox runs as fast as his legs can carry him with Leon at his heels

Away he dashes: The sly fox races with all his might, Leon hot on his trail.

Protector of the realm: Norwegian Forest Cat Leon looks on as the fox runs off into the distance

Guardian of the kingdom: Leon, the majestic Norwegian Forest Cat, watches over his domain as a fox scurries away in the distance.

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