Overlooked: My Birthday Quietly Passes By without a Single Wish

Today is the day I was born, a time usually filled with happiness and festivities. However, this year feels unlike the others as I wait for birthday greetings that have yet to come my way. The excitement of hearing from family and friends has shifted into a sense of yearning, making me feel overlooked and a bit neglected. Birthdays are meant to be moments where we feel cherished and remembered, but the silence of my phone and inbox has dulled the excitement of what should be a celebratory day.

Even though I didn’t receive any greetings, I’m choosing to see this day as important. It’s a time for me to reflect on my journey and take care of myself, a moment to acknowledge my progress and successes. While the quietness from others may be disappointing, I’m opting to concentrate on the good things and find comfort in the idea that I can create significance for myself on this day.


As I celebrate my birthday today, I can’t help but take a moment to reflect on the ups and downs of life. While birthdays are usually filled with happiness and anticipation, I’m reminded that perfection is something we all strive for but rarely achieve. I may not be flawless, but I am grateful for the lessons learned, the strength gained, and the self-awareness developed along the way that have shaped me into the person I am today. However, amidst the high spirits of the day, there’s also a bittersweet yearning for the blessings that seem just out of reach. This feeling is one that resonates with so many as we navigate the twists and turns of life, searching for comfort and reassurance in the face of uncertainty.

A few years back, this family went through the sadness of losing their cherished cat. Back then, they had come to terms with the fact that they might never find their furry companion again.
But cut to the present, and here they are nearly 1,000 miles away from where they last saw their dear pet. Brace yourselves, because what unfolded next can only be described as a tale fit for the history books!
Justice Ryder and her children got the shock of a lifetime when their long-lost tuxedo cat, Corbin, made a sudden reappearance in their lives. Now that’s what you call a twist of fate!
Justice was left speechless when she stumbled upon a Facebook post featuring a cat that looked identical to Corbin. She initially thought it was an old picture resurfacing, but to her surprise, it was a current post by someone who had found a cat in their yard and was trying to reunite it with its owner.
And the most incredible part? This kind stranger lived just a hop, skip, and jump away from where they used to live.
Without wasting a moment, Justice reached out to this mysterious woman, and after a thorough session of comparing stories and photographs, they both unequivocally agreed that Corbin was indeed their long-lost furry friend.
A heartwarming reunion was in the cards!

However, the plot thickens as Justice’s friend Sandi Fettes stepped in to ensure Corbin made it back home safely. Sandi contacted a charity organization called Wings of Rescue, which consists of compassionate pilots devoted to transporting animals to secure locations.

On Facebook, it was shared that a charity went above and beyond to help Corbin reunite with his family by arranging a special flight for him. Before the journey, Corbin received top-notch care at the veterinarian’s office, which included neutering, microchipping, and vaccinations to ensure his safety. Despite his adventurous past two years, Corbin remained the same lovable furball that Justice remembered, making it seem as if he had never been away. The heartwarming sight of Corbin adjusting quickly to his familiar surroundings brought joy to everyone involved. As an added bonus, Justice’s son’s upcoming birthday was approaching, and they were looking forward to dressing him up in a fancy bow tie for the occasion.

This family has had quite the journey, but it’s been nothing short of amazing. They are so thankful for everyone who came together to make their reunion a reality.
It’s a heartwarming tale that shows how life can unexpectedly bring us back together, no matter the obstacles.
If you loved this story, be sure to spread the love with your friends and keep up with Cat’s Voice for more uplifting content and videos!

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