Is this the new grumpy cat? Meet the adorable kitty who has developed a cult following online thanks to his withering look

There’s a new angry looking, but utterly cute, feline on the social media scene and he may just be a rival for Grumpy Cat.
Emergency Norman, an ‘adorable a**hole’ according to his owner, has been taking Twitter by storm and gathered a following of die hard fans.
The British Shorthair cat, one of the rarer ‘longhair’ varieties, seems to almost always have an angry look on his face in photos, whilst still managing to be incredibly cute.
Purrrfect: Emergency Norman (above) is the latest pet to rival social media star grumpy cat in looks
Purrrfect: Emergency Norman (above) is the latest pet to rival social media star grumpy cat in looks
Look at me: Norman has a cult following on Twitter, where his owner posts photos of the feline around the house
Look at me: Norman has a cult following on Twitter, where his owner posts photos of the feline around the house
Looks that could kill: According to his Twitter account, Norman is an 'adorable a**hole'
Looks that could kill: According to his Twitter account, Norman is an ‘adorable a**hole’
'His hair is so good': Norman's owner, Anna Spargo-Ryan, says that Norman is 'just a general p***k' and compared him to a private school boy
‘His hair is so good’: Norman’s owner, Anna Spargo-Ryan, says that Norman is ‘just a general p***k’ and compared him to a private school boy

Social media star: Norman is a British Shorthair cat, one of the rarer longhaired varieties, and lives in Melbourne with his family 
Social media star: Norman is a British Shorthair cat, one of the rarer longhaired varieties, and lives in Melbourne with his family
And the Melbourne cat’s behavior isn’t fantastic either, according to his owner Anna Spargo-Ryan.
‘He’s just a general p***k,’ Ms Spargo-Ryan told Daily Mail Australia. ‘He’s like a private school boy who’s never had to work for anything because his hair is so good.’
‘If you try to cuddle him on your terms, he’ll put his claw in your earlobe, but if you’re on the toilet, he is all over you.’
Norman’s hobbies include stealing tomatoes from the bench and hiding them around the house, lying on the clothes airer and watching his owners from afar with a deadly look in his eyes.

Ow: Ms Spargo-Ryan says that you never know how Norman is going to be adnt hat 'If you try to cuddle him on your terms, he¿ll put his claw in your earlobe'
Ow: Ms Spargo-Ryan says that you never know how Norman is going to be adnt hat ‘If you try to cuddle him on your terms, he’ll put his claw in your earlobe’
Look into my eyes: Norman often likes to sit and watch his family with his piercing yellow eyes, looking as if he is going in for the kill 
Look into my eyes: Norman often likes to sit and watch his family with his piercing yellow eyes, looking as if he is going in for the kill
Naughty: Norman has been known to steal tomatoes from the kitchen bench and hide them all over the house
Naughty: Norman has been known to steal tomatoes from the kitchen bench and hide them all over the house
'He sits on them like a brooding hen': He also does things like collect avocado seeds and hide them under the oven
‘He sits on them like a brooding hen’: He also does things like collect avocado seeds and hide them under the oven
Adorable: Ms Spargo-Ryan says that the cat can be lovely sometimes, just enough to make everyone fall in love with him
Adorable: Ms Spargo-Ryan says that the cat can be lovely sometimes, just enough to make everyone fall in love with him
‘His behavior is so peculiar. Last month I realised he’s been cultivating a collection of avocado seeds under the oven. He sits on them like a brooding hen,’ Ms Spargo-Ryan said.
‘The first day he was here, he didn’t want anyone to pick him up and we thought it was just first-day nerves, settling in, you know. But we’ve since realised that’s just his personality.’
But she said that he can also be lovely when he wants to be, sleeping on the end of her bed under the doona like a human and very occasionally permitting a cuddle.
Who I am: Ms Spargo-Ryan says that when he was a kitten, they thought he disliked cuddles because he was nervous, but soon realised it was just the cat's personality
Who I am: Ms Spargo-Ryan says that when he was a kitten, they thought he disliked cuddles because he was nervous, but soon realised it was just the cat’s personality
Popular: Norman has 1,700 followers on Twitter who follow his every move and eargerly anticipate updates on the cat
Popular: Norman has 1,700 followers on Twitter who follow his every move and eargerly anticipate updates on the cat
Only a baby: Ms Spargo-Ryan started the Twitter account in November 2014, just a month after getting Norman as a kitten
Only a baby: Ms Spargo-Ryan started the Twitter account in November 2014, just a month after getting Norman as a kitten
Fluffy and fierce: The author uses the account to give updates on what Norman likes and dislikes each day
Fluffy and fierce: The author uses the account to give updates on what Norman likes and dislikes each day
'Things Norman hates today: bright lights, racism in police work': Ms Spargo-Ryan also makes jokes on Norman's account relating to current affairs and news
‘Things Norman hates today: bright lights, racism in police work’: Ms Spargo-Ryan also makes jokes on Norman’s account relating to current affairs and news
Ms Spargo-Ryan started the Emergency Norman Twitter account in November 2014, only a month after the cat joined her family.
She uses the account to post pictures of Norman, detailing what he is loving or hating that day. Often the posts are poking fun at topics in the news.

‘Things Norman hates today: bright lights, racism in police work,’ the caption on one photo reads.
And whilst with 1,700 followers on Twitter Norman is nowhere near competing with the original Grumpy Cat, he’s won us over.

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