Introducing the Singing French Bulldog with a Unique Howl that has Catapulted him to Instagram Fame

A French Bulldog living in Texas, named Walter Geoffrey, has gained a massive following of 786,000 on Instagram and generates a significant income through merchandise sales each year. This success is all thanks to his unique bark that sets him apart from other dogs.
Walter Geoffrey, who is six years old and resides in Austin, is adored by his fans and his owner, Amber Martin, for his personality, his sassy attitude, and his entertaining ‘meltdowns.’
Amber shared with that she quickly created an Instagram account for Walter Geoffrey because of his standout behavior. After posting a video of one of his famous temper tantrums, he went viral, leading to a rapid increase in followers reaching hundreds of thousands in no time.

Popular pup: This French Bulldog has earned 786,000 Instagram followers thanks to his very unusual bark

Well-known pooch: This French Bulldog has gained a whopping 786,000 followers on Instagram all thanks to his exceptionally unique bark.

Viral: Walter Geoffrey, a six-year-old dog who lives in Austin, Texas, is beloved by his followers and his owner Amber Martin for his attitude, his sassiness, and his famous 'meltdowns'

Going viral: Meet Walter Geoffrey, a charming six-year-old pup hailing from Austin, Texas. Fans can’t get enough of his personality, sass, and his famous “meltdowns,” making him a beloved social media star among his owner Amber Martin’s following.

Pure love:Amber told that her pet is a 'diva' and her 'favorite bratty baby boy'

Unconditional love: According to Amber, her furry companion is a ‘diva’ and holds the title of her ‘favorite spoiled little baby boy.’ Walter Geoffrey’s vocalizations are far from typical, resembling a mix between a woman’s shrill scream and a child’s cry rather than a dog’s bark. Despite his unique sound, his antics like throwing ‘tantrums’ and crooning along to music have attracted a dedicated fan base who find him endearing, spirited, and downright funny.

In her early thirties, Amber welcomed Walter Geoffrey into her life in her late twenties, seeking a pup she could dote on. Intrigued by the French Bulldog’s personality and demeanor, she fell in love with the sassy little pup in photos and eventually brought him home. Choosing the name ‘Walter’ for his grumpy appearance, she added ‘Geoffrey’ to signify his exceptional nature. Due to a missed flight in Houston, Walter arrived a few hours late, but Amber was instantly smitten with her new favorite mischievous pup.

This guy won't stand it! Amber heard his famous howl the first time she tried to leave him at home in a crate because he wasn't potty trained yet — and he let his displeasure be known

This individual is not going to tolerate being left alone in a crate. When Amber attempted to leave him at home for the first time because he wasn’t yet trained to use the bathroom, he made sure she knew his feelings by letting out a loud howl.

The sound that comes out of Walter Geoffrey's mouth is unusual, to say the least — and sounds more like a human woman yelling or a child crying than a dog barking

The sound that comes out of Walter Geoffrey's mouth is unusual, to say the least — and sounds more like a human woman yelling or a child crying than a dog barking

The noise emanating from Walter Geoffrey’s vocal cords is quite peculiar, resembling that of a screaming human woman or a sobbing child rather than a typical dog bark.

Speaking up: He doesn't always howl. In fact, he has a 'normal bark,' too — but that howl lets Amber know he is irritated

He doesn’t always bark loudly. In fact, he has a more typical bark as well. However, Amber has learned that his howl is a signal that he is feeling frustrated.
It didn’t take long for her to realize that he had a unique way of communicating. Since he was still in the process of being house-trained and she had to go to work, she decided to place him in a crate.
“I put him in his crate, informed him that I would be back at lunch to check on him, and as soon as I was leaving, he let out this shriek as if he was in extreme pain,” Amber recalled.
“My initial thought was, ‘Oh no, his paw must be stuck in the gate!’ So I rushed back to him, and the moment he saw me, he fell silent. I opened the crate door, checked him thoroughly, and he was perfectly fine.
“I returned him to the crate and attempted to leave again, but once more, he let out the most ear-piercing scream. I rushed back to him, only to see him with his paws raised on the crate, bellowing as loudly as possible. I genuinely thought, ‘Oh my goodness, something is wrong with my pup.'”
He doesn’t always howl. In fact, he also has a ‘normal bark.’ However, that distinctive howl is his way of expressing his irritation to Amber.

'Walt is definitely a diva,' Amber said. 'I like to call him “Garen” (the make version of Karen) from time to time because I can’t do a single thing right a lot of ways'

“Walt is such a diva,” laughed Amber. “I jokingly refer to him as ‘Garen,’ the male version of Karen, because it seems like I can’t get anything right in his eyes most of the time.”

His videos all get hundreds of thousands of views, and he sells five figures worth of merchandise each month

Star power: Ellen, Michael B. Jordan, Jennifer Aniston, and Angie Harmon are fans

His videos consistently attract a massive audience, earning him hundreds of thousands of views each time. He manages to sell a significant amount of merchandise every month, bringing in five figures in revenue. Not to mention, popular celebrities like Ellen, Michael B. Jordan, Jennifer Aniston, and Angie Harmon are among his fans.

'He's unapologetically himself and I think that's what fans love so much about him. He's dynamic with multiple layers,' Amber said

“He’s authentically himself, and that’s what his fans adore about him. He’s a complex individual,’ Amber remarked.
‘Walt is truly a diva,’ she continued. ‘Difficult to please, he’s critical of everyone and everything. Sometimes I joke and call him “Garen” (the male version of Karen) because it often feels like I can’t do anything right around him.
‘His side eye could pierce your soul,’ she chuckled.
‘He enjoys being chauffeured around town, loves traveling (whether by road or air) with me, bossing me around, indulging in medium-well steaks and fancy treats. With other dogs, he’s mostly indifferent… he tends to keep to himself, almost like he’s the pioneer of social distancing.
‘But with humans, he demands that you acknowledge his presence. Sometimes, I feel like he believes we are all beneath him. He’s the ruler of his world, and we’re just living in it.’
It soon became apparent that he needed his own Instagram account — and the rest is history.
His videos attract hundreds of thousands of views, and he racks up five figures in merchandise sales each month. Celebrities like Ellen, Michael B. Jordan, Jennifer Aniston, and Angie Harmon are among his many fans.

'I swear his side eye will hit you in your soul,' his owner said

“His side-eye game is so strong, it’ll pierce right through your soul,” proclaimed the owner.

The remix! Videos show him howling — and sometimes his howls are set to music

The remix! Videos show him howling — and sometimes his howls are set to music

The updated version! Clips capture him belting out loud cries — and at times, his wails are paired with catchy tunes.

Amber said: 'His meltdowns are the most relatable thing on the internet'

Amber expressed that his emotional breakdowns are the most relatable content found online.

'There's something very infectious about his aura and overall personality,' she added

“His vibe and personality are just so captivating,” she remarked.
“People really appreciate how he unapologetically embraces himself, which is a big part of why fans are drawn to him. He’s a complex individual with many different layers,” Amber expressed.
“His online meltdowns are incredibly relatable, and that side-eye of his can really speak to your soul.
“Everyone adores his sassy attitude and is always eager to peek into Walt’s world to ensure he gets the royal treatment he deserves,” she mentioned.
Amber did acknowledge that Walt’s loudness has prompted concerned neighbors to call the police on occasion, with some even suspecting she might be mistreating a child.
Nonetheless, she emphasized that Walt is beloved by all.
“There’s just something about his aura and overall persona that is so infectious,” she noted. “He’s truly a one-of-a-kind phenomenon.
“His meltdowns are something we’ve all experienced (let’s admit it, who hasn’t had a meltdown or two or 20?), and you can feel the attitude he exudes. People are often surprised when they encounter us because he can actually be quite charming. He’s got a lot of heart beyond his infamous tantrums!”

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