Unique Title: Unbreakable Bond: A Toddler and Bulldog Duo That Warms Hearts with their Playful Friendship and Shared Adventures

A young girl and her beloved bulldog have captured the internet’s attention with their heartwarming bond. Erin Craig, a two-year-old from New York, and her furry companion Harvey are inseparable. From playing dress-up to taking naps and bath time, the duo does everything together. Their charming friendship has earned them a huge following on Instagram, where fans can see how their relationship has evolved since Erin’s birth.

Erin, the two-year-old who can’t be found without her beloved bulldog companion Harvey, has captured the hearts of internet users worldwide.

Their Instagram page, which has more than 30,000 followers, shows the toddler giving Harvey an affectionate peck on his jowly cheek

The Instagram account, with over 30,000 followers, features adorable moments of a toddler affectionately interacting with her pet dog, Harvey. Some recent posts show the duo playing ‘Row, row, row your boat’ together in a box and Erin reading Harvey, who is four years old, a bedtime story. The sweet photos capture the toddler snuggling up to Harvey and giving him loving kisses on his chubby cheek. One video even shows her tucking him in with a blanket as he settles down for a nap. Erin’s mother, Katie, had created the Instagram account even before Erin was born.

Mother Katie Craig said four-year-old Harvey seemed unsure of what to make of Erin at first

But the two soon became inseparable

According to Mom Katie, little four-year-old Harvey was a bit hesitant about Erin at the beginning, but they quickly hit it off and became inseparable best buddies.

The cute pictures show how their relationship has bloomed, with the toddler taking Harvey out for walks

The adorable images depict the progress of their bond, as the little one enjoys taking Harvey for strolls.

Erin is often pictured cuddling up with Harvey and even covers him with a blanket to keep him warm 

Erin is frequently seen snuggled up with Harvey, making sure to tuck him in with a blanket for extra warmth. According to her, Harvey was a bit hesitant about baby Erin at first, but they quickly became attached, showing each other lots of love. Katie mentioned how impressed she is by Erin’s genuine love for Harvey and how he always goes along with whatever she wants to do. Initially nervous about their interactions, they took Harvey for some professional training before Erin was born.

She appears to have got her love of Harvey from her mother, who says she was 'just a crazy bulldog lady' before her daughter was born

It seems that her fondness for Harvey comes from her mother, who jokingly admits she used to be a “crazy bulldog lady” before her daughter came into the picture.

Harvey has even been supervising Erin as she goes through potty training

The toddler has a T-shirt that reads: 'I kissed a bulldog and I liked it'

Harvey has been actively helping Erin with her potty training, even sporting a cute T-shirt that says ‘I kissed a bulldog and I liked it’. According to Erin’s mother, it seems like Erin has inherited her adoration for Harvey from her, as she used to be known as a ‘crazy bulldog lady’ before having her daughter.

Their bond is evident as they do everything together – from shopping and taking walks to enjoying meals side by side. Harvey even shows his affection by sniffing and licking Erin before going about his usual routine.

The pair appear to enjoy dressing up together, with Harvey pictured here wearing a Superman top

The duo seems to have a great time coordinating outfits, as exemplified by Harvey sporting a Superman shirt in the photo.

Erin and Harvey are constantly side-by-side, even taking baths together before going to bed 

Erin and Harvey are inseparable, always by each other’s side, sometimes even sharing baths before bedtime.

They wore party hats on Harvey's fourth birthday

They recently put on matching American scarves

On Harvey’s fourth birthday, they donned festive party hats, and they also recently sported matching American scarves.
It seems like they enjoy getting dressed up, especially for special events such as Valentine’s Day and Christmas.
In some photos, Erin and Harvey can be seen wearing party hats while digging into a birthday cake.
Their Instagram feed also features moments of Harvey’s potty training journey, with a heartwarming photo of him sitting on the toilet as Erin offers him moral support.
One memorable image captures Erin wearing a quirky T-shirt that says: ‘I smooched a bulldog and I enjoyed it’.

The adorable toddler is pictured snuggling up with Harvey as the pair both have a nap in bed 

The cute little toddler is shown cuddling with Harvey as they both peacefully sleep in bed.

Erin, pictured here when she was younger, looks adorable after squeezing into a basket with Harvey 

Erin, seen in this photo from her younger days, appears absolutely precious as she squeezes herself into a basket alongside Harvey.

The youngster, who appeared to have got her love for bulldogs from her mother, is pictured having fun with Harvey in a paddling pool 

The young girl, who seems to have inherited her mother’s fondness for bulldogs, is seen enjoying some pool time with Harvey.

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