Bouncing Back: A Pitbull’s Incredible Journey to Happiness after Surviving Severe Burns

Similar to many canines, Justice the Pit Bull has a story that goes beyond what meets the eye. Despite not fitting the typical dog mold, he is undeniably beautiful in his own unique way. His early life was marred by abuse and abandonment, through no fault of his own. Fortunately, Justice was able to find his way to the Shelbyville/Shelby County Animal Shelter where he was finally shown the love and respect all dogs deserve. Despite the challenging start to his life, Justice is now thriving and enjoying every moment. He harbors a hope that his abusers will be brought to justice for their cruel actions.

Against all odds, Justice was discovered on the streets of Indiana in 2018. With severe chemical burns that appeared intentional, this resilient pup managed to survive on his own for a short period of time, a true testament to his strength and will to live.

The team at the shelter quickly provided Justice with the necessary medical care he needed. At first, he just wanted to be bandaged up. Over time, his skin started to heal and his fur slowly began to grow back. Although he may never look exactly the same as he did before, that’s perfectly fine. The shelter staff adores him for who he is, and it seems like everyone else feels the same way.

Veterinarian Jessica Lynch commented, “He was really sad at first, but he’s come a long way. He has so much more personality now. He’s a very happy, lively little guy.”

After receiving medical attention and training for about a year, Justice was ready to be put up for adoption. People from other states and even other countries were already lining up to adopt him! However, due to the vets’ wish to remain close by in case Justice needed further treatment, the shelter was only accepting applications from candidates who lived within a 100-mile radius.

Justice embarked on his new life with his loving new family.

As expected, Justice quickly found a home and settled in comfortably. His parents are keeping everyone informed about his progress through the shelter’s social media, where he has gained a considerable following. Despite everything he has been through, the sweet dog is now enjoying life to the fullest, as his family continues to share updates.

Training Justice was a challenge because of his difficult past. He often showed stubbornness and didn’t like being told what to do. That’s why he worked with an amazing dog trainer named Lexi for over a year. As time passed, he started to develop feelings for her, and as a result, he became much more cooperative. According to Lexi, Justice only has one more training session left with her.

Now, Justice feels more at ease in his home every day. He has become more affectionate and even enjoys belly rubs from his loving owners. While it may seem like a small gesture, most dogs see rolling over as a display of trust. By allowing someone to rub his belly, Justice shows his genuine belief in the people around him. He is confident that he is safe and won’t experience any more pain while in their care.

Justice seeking justice

The shelter worked hard to identify those responsible for hurting Justice right from the start. The reward for catching the person responsible for this crime started at $5,000 but has now been raised to $20,000.

Regrettably, there are still unresolved cases, but numerous anonymous tips have brought the shelter closer to finding answers. They were able to track down a previous owner of Justice, who was known as “Roscoe” at that time. It is uncertain whether the person claiming to have given Justice away before the incident is being truthful. Unfortunately, there is insufficient evidence to prosecute anyone for this cruel act in either scenario.

If you have any information about Justice’s situation, please reach out to the Shelbyville/Shelby County Animal Shelter. The person responsible for harming him must be held accountable as soon as possible.


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