Saved: A Heartwarming Tale of Rescue for an Abandoned Puppy Finding Safety and Comfort Indoors

A tiny, abandoned pet was discovered on the sidewalk, alone and in need of care. Without his mother, he was weak and fragile, with an uncertain future. Thankfully, volunteers from Howl Of A Dog, an animal rescue non-profit in Romania, found him and brought him to safety.

When Pleasure arrived at the shelter, he weighed only 160 grams, marking his official start to life. Newborn orphaned puppies are incredibly delicate, being toothless, blind, deaf, and unable to regulate their own body temperature. Despite the challenges, the staff at the shelter worked tirelessly to nurture him and help him grow.

During his first week, he focused on resting and being cared for by the staff. It took him three weeks before he finally opened his eyes. He began to interact with others and explore his surroundings. By the time he was seven weeks old, he was strong enough to feed himself. When the time came for him to be adopted, everyone worked together to find him a new loving home.

After four months, the Howl Of A Dog team received some wonderful news. Pleasure had been adopted by a lovely family from the Netherlands who absolutely adored him. Ellen and Ricardo, his new mom and dad, traveled across Europe to personally bring him home.

We are overjoyed to share that Pleasure has found his forever home with a caring family. We are grateful for the support of compassionate individuals who have helped make this possible. Please send your love to this lovable soul and spread his heartwarming story. Check out the video below for the complete story!


Here are some helpful tips to ensure your furry friend stays healthy and happy:

Consider enrolling your dog in obedience classes or working with a professional trainer to address any behavioral issues and improve their manners. Techniques like positive reinforcement and clicker training can strengthen your bond with your dog.

Protect your pup from extreme temperatures by providing shade and water in hot weather, and dressing them in protective gear for cold weather walks. Be cautious and limit outdoor activities during extreme conditions to prevent any health issues.

Schedule regular check-ups with your vet to monitor your dog’s overall health and address any concerns promptly. Wellness exams typically include a physical check-up, vaccinations, parasite screenings, and discussions on diet, exercise, and preventive care.

Keep an eye out for any signs of pain or discomfort in your dog, such as changes in behavior or appetite. If you suspect something is wrong, seek veterinary care right away.

Educate yourself on your dog’s breed-specific health concerns and take preventative measures. Some breeds are more prone to genetic conditions like hip dysplasia or allergies, so regular vet check-ups and health screenings are essential for early detection and management.

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