Abandoned and Hungry: The Harsh Reality Faced by Desolate Animals resorting to eating pebbles for survival

His stomach is filled with stones! Yes, you read that right – stones! He is unable to eat or pass stools because his stomach is completely blocked by stones. He has been in pain and distress for the past four days!

“His stare cut straight through me, leaving me feeling sorrow for the poor soul. How can someone be so devoid of empathy? The veterinarians are working diligently to conduct blood work, ultrasounds, and X-rays promptly, with surgery being a priority.”

They were uncertain about his chances of recovery and did not realize there was any internal damage. However, they promised to do everything they could to save his life.

This poor pup may have had some bad luck, but with the help of skilled veterinarians, his fate can change – as long as he keeps up the fight.
Just take a look at him wagging his tail – after several days, the surgery was finally completed by the doctors. While several stones were successfully removed, he still has a long road to recovery ahead of him.

He remained quiet constantly, never letting out a bark, which concerned the doctors. It’s possible he’s still feeling anxious, requiring more time to adjust his mood. However, he’s showing significant improvement, as he’s now engaging in play, a positive sign. Finally, he let out his first bark, showcasing a strong and distinctive voice.

Meet Angelo, the charming little pup. Watching him romp and play is truly delightful. Soon he will receive his vaccinations, be dewormed, and find a loving forever home to call his own.


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