Desperate Plea: An abandoned Pit Bull’s Cry for Help and Rescue in a Garden

A pit bull found abandoned in a garden with disfigurements believes she deserves a chance to be rescued. Pit bulls often face unfair stereotypes for being aggressive.

It is impossible to truly grasp the suffering and sadness that little Khalessi, a 2-year-old mother dog, endured when she was discovered at just 9 years old.

When a severely injured dog was found in a local family’s yard, Orange County Animal Services was contacted for assistance.

Oh my goodness!

When she was discovered, half of her face was gone.

There were major issues with its snout, nostrils, and nasal passage.
In addition to that, the poor animal was suffering from severe malnourishment and had painful toes.
Once they discovered her, they immediately contacted the animal rescue organization “Passion 4 Pit Rescue”. Stephanie Paquin, a volunteer, quickly stepped in to provide Khalessi with the medical attention she needed to survive.

However, the reality was that his circumstances were quite unfortunate, and he still had a lengthy road ahead of him with numerous surgeries and treatments to undergo before he could regain his ability to walk.

He would also have to undergo complex dental procedures since some of his teeth were showing roots due to bone loss in his jaw.

Thankfully, after ruling out any heart issues, a group of doctors worked together to treat his facial injuries.

Volunteers suspect that Khessi may have been used as a bait dog in the past. Despite her difficult history, she has always shown kindness and gratitude towards those who have shown her love and care. Khessi’s loyalty and resilience are truly remarkable, considering she has endured injuries to her face and legs. Thanks to undergoing multiple medical treatments, she is now recovering well.

The unwavering determination of veterinarians to never give up and continue to support animals has been a driving force behind their relentless efforts.
It is reassuring to know that despite the challenges faced, one is in good hands and receiving the care and love they deserve, leading to a life filled with compassion.
While the journey ahead may be long for her transformation into a strong dog, her affectionate nature, strength, and will to survive keep her spirits high.
To those responsible for inflicting harm, may this story and accompanying photos serve as a reminder that their actions do not go unnoticed, causing them discomfort.
Share Khalessi’s story as a means to advocate for the respect and well-being of all animals.

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