Enduring the Pain of an Enormous Facial Tumor Alone: A Story of Struggle and Survival.

Introducing Honey, the newest resident of Dumaguete Animal Sanctuary. Her story is a little sad as she was abandoned in very poor health with a large tumor on her face. Honey must have been in pain for a long time since she was swollen and had an infection. Fortunately, the team at the sanctuary is taking good care of her, and she’s currently undergoing X-rays to determine if the mass can be treated. While her organs are functioning normally, Honey is anemic, and heartworm was also discovered during her initial blood tests.

For a period of 14 days, she will receive anti-inflammatory medication and medical attention to increase her red blood cell count. After that, she will undergo surgery and chemotherapy. The likelihood of her leading a normal, content life is quite high!

Honey requires surgery to eliminate the mass, and chemotherapy may be necessary if it turns out to be cancerous. Due to the location of the tumour, the operation must be conducted at Animal Wellness, which has gas anaesthesia, increasing Honey’s chances of survival. Despite being in the facility for two weeks, her red blood cell count remains low, and she will need a transfusion before the surgery, which will hopefully take place soon.

On Day 17, we started Honey’s operation after she was sedated and had a photo with Rina and Rudylyn. Animal Wellness was chosen for the procedure due to the safety of gas anaesthesia for more serious situations. However, since the tumor was situated near her brain, the surgery took longer and was more complex than expected.

Two days later on Day 19, we received the news that Honey’s surgery was successful to the best of our expectations. The tumor had grown around several of her facial and optical nerves making the procedure even more challenging. Sadly, we had to sever the nerves controlling her left eyelid, which resulted in a slight droop.

The size of the tumor was massive, leading to a considerable surgical incision. However, there’s some good news as she’s consuming chicken, which indicates her recovery is going well. Even without the tumor, she’ll be able to lead a regular life. Although she’s currently eating independently, her face remains swollen due to inflammation resulting from the operation. Nonetheless, physicians are optimistic that her appetite will increase once the swelling goes down.

Honey is currently in the initial phase of her recuperation from an extensive surgery. Every day that passes without any setbacks is a reason to be grateful. The good news is that she has successfully made it through the operation! Although she is still critical, she is conscious and breathing on her own.

Just received the news that Honey’s tumor is cancerous after undergoing a biopsy. However, we have a solution in the form of Doxorubicin, which is a highly effective chemotherapy medication for this particular type of cancer. Our top priority now is to take swift action to prevent any remaining cancer cells from spreading throughout Honey’s body.

There was another tumor diagnosed in her vaginal area. However, the good news is that after undergoing two sessions of chemotherapy, the tumor has decreased in size by 60%.

After a period of over 90 days, she’s putting on some extra pounds and feeling quite positive even though she is undergoing chemotherapy. Unfortunately, her condition remains unclear due to the impact of the chemo on her organs. Nevertheless, we are hopeful that she will make a full recovery.

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