“Surviving Against All Odds: The Story of a Mange-Infested Dog’s Inspiring Journey”

Meet Ayla, a tiny 2.5-month-old pup that Krista stumbled upon. It’s hard to put into words just how much she was suffering – she was emaciated, covered in mange, and trembling as she dragged her little body across the ground.

During the visit to the vet, Krista learned that Ayla’s overall health was in poor condition based on the clinic’s examination. It was revealed that she may have consumed a stone, which is indicative of a calcium deficiency. This deficiency caused abnormal growth in both of Ayla’s front legs, resulting in her having to crawl on the ground and suffering from severe abrasions over time.

At present, Ayla is undergoing treatment in the hospital, and the medical staff is working diligently to nurse her back to health. It may take around three months for her to recover fully with proper attention, but the good news is that she is safe and secure under the care of Little Steps.

Thankfully, the X-ray results showed that Ayla’s bones are not fractured, increasing the likelihood of her being able to walk in the future.

Ayla got to enjoy some time basking in the sun while also being fed. Despite still experiencing some itchiness from mange, she seemed happier overall. Ayla was definitely a great patient to work with.

The following day, Ayla underwent a blood examination, which showed that she had no major health concerns aside from mange and malnutrition. Her caregivers also provided her with a calcium supplement and a dressing to remedy her physical anomalies.

It brings me so much happiness to see our little one enjoying quality time with Ayla, the most joyful pup ever. It’s evident that our little one is elated and content playing like a puppy once more. Her newfound love for a small ball has even inspired her to walk further than before.

Ayla is required to keep the bandage on for almost seven days.

Let’s fight side by side, Ayla. We’re here to support you and we’re looking forward to your story going viral.

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