Journeying Through the Enchanting Universe of Finnish Felines: Enjoy 30 Captivating Photos.

Meet the adorable megafloofs from Northern Finland, Sämpy, Hiskias Hääppönen, Elmeri, and Nelli. These chonky cats are perfect for snuggling and have some of the cutest pictures you’ll ever see. Brighten your day with their wholesome and adorable photos and share them with friends who need some catto goodness in their lives. If you have a chonky cat like these, share your thoughts on their personality and how to raise them in the comments below. Check out Bored Panda’s previous posts on cats, including Curious Zelda, Bocco and Zuu, and how cats form bonds with humans just like dogs and babies. Additionally, we have an interview with Riikka Hedman, the owner of Sämpy and the other cats, where she shares insights into these majestic animals, their careers in publishing, and how Sämpy became an internet sensation. Scroll down for more information!



Riikka provided some information on her feline companions, including their ages and breeds. One of her cats, Sämpy, is six years old and looks like a Norwegian Forest cat. This adventurous kitty loves spending time outside. Elmeri, an 11-year-old grey domestic cat, prefers staying close to home. Hiski, a two-year-old tabby with no white paws, is half Norwegian Forest cat. All three of them are neutered males. Sadly, Nelli, a grey-white cat featured on Riikka’s website, passed away earlier this year. During winter, Riikka sets up obstacles in her yard for her cats to jump over, which they seem to enjoy. Although not as daring as Sämpy, Elmeri and Hiski occasionally participate in walks and playtime.



Riikka was over the moon when she won the Photographer of the Year award in a Finnish photography magazine competition. Her prize was a high-speed camera that she couldn’t wait to try out. She decided to capture a shot of her beloved cat, Sämpy, jumping. The photo turned out to be stunning and when she shared it with the local newspaper, it gained a lot of attention. A journalist even came to cover Sämpy’s story. People were so enamored with the cat that they requested that he have his own Facebook page. Eventually, an Instagram account was created for him. According to Riikka, the reason for Sämpy’s social media fame is the natural and playful shots taken outside where he can just be himself. She believes the best cat photos are those where the feline is captured in its natural state without any forced posing.

Sämpy, the much-loved feline, has been the subject of two fantastic books to date. The first, called ‘Cat Year’, was released in 2016 and was a resounding success. This led to Sämpy’s owner, Riikka, being approached by a publisher to create a photo book about the beautiful cat. The most recent book has only just been published. Alongside these books, Sämpy and Riikka have worked together on calendars for three years. Despite the difficulty in selecting images for the book, the publishing company provided professional assistance to make it happen. Although Riikka did add some text, the books are mainly picture-based, with captions written in the local dialect that have received a lot of praise. There aren’t any set plans for the future, but they are open to proposals. However, Sämpy is not a fan of travel and must stay at home. So, anyone who wants to use Sämpy’s image for an animated movie or as wallpaper or a keychain is more than welcome, as long as the beloved cat can remain safe and sound at home.

Sämpy Co. has taken the internet by storm, captivating people worldwide with its adorable pictures and videos. With over 104,000 followers on Instagram and 43,000 fans on Facebook, Sämpy’s appeal transcends borders, although the majority of its supporters are from Finland. Fans eagerly await updates on Sämpy and its companions, Hiskias, Elmeri, and Nelli. Interestingly, Nelli dislikes being around other cats and despises the cold weather, despite living in Northern Finland.

In a recent interview with a Finnish blogger, Sämpy shared some interesting facts about itself. According to the journalist, Sämpy answered the questions on its own, revealing that it lives in Kalime village, located in the north of Oulu. Its favorite hobby is hunting mice and moles, but it would love to catch birds if they weren’t too quick. Sämpy enjoys spending time with its friend Elmeri, who serves as the Secretary of Forest Trips.

Sämpy’s daily diet consists of dry and wet food, with occasional servings of meat and salmon. However, its favorite treat is butter, which it relishes whenever it gets a small dollop. Sämpy also talked about its owner, whom it referred to as its “secretary.” The Secretary serves as Sämpy’s servant and maid, constantly taking pictures of the cat and preparing its breakfast.

Despite having a comfortable home, Sämpy prefers sleeping outside, even in the grass if the weather is good. It occasionally sleeps on the sofa or refrigerator and the sauna when it’s not too hot. During the summer months, Sämpy takes charge, issuing orders to the other cats and mice in the neighborhood.

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