Enduring 9 Years of Sickness, Filth, and Isolation: A Story of Perseverance Amidst Social Rejection

My heart was broken when I saw the first pictures of Socrates. It was painful to see that he had been living in terrible conditions for 9 long years. He was weak, covered in mud and shackles, and looked like a bag of bones. His skin was damaged with scabies, and he was severely dehydrated. To make matters worse, his body was filled with open wounds. Although I had other things to do, I couldn’t bear to see this poor old man suffer any longer.

The following day, I visited Socrates and noticed that his fragile body was not fit enough to combat illnesses. He looked unwell with a bloated face and deeply sunken eyes. I could shout at the top of my lungs, and he still may not hear me due to potential deafness. However, I felt hopeful seeing that Socrates still had an appetite, which gave me some reassurance that he could recover from this state.

We made the necessary preparations to bring Socrates to the veterinary clinic. This was my first time dealing with a situation like his, and I felt overwhelmed by the responsibility. All I wanted was for Socrates to have a positive outcome. Unfortunately, the test results revealed that he had bone cancer, which was devastating news. It turned out that his back ankle was deformed to a severe degree, and the only option was to amputate his back leg.

I was optimistic that the cancer would be curable without spreading, and for this, Socrates needed to undergo therapy at the vet’s office to improve his weight and immunity. I had already prepared him for the tough times ahead, and he seemed to understand. Socrates has put on some weight and become bulkier, which means he needs to be groomed more frequently. His fur has grown significantly, but he remained positive about his future.

I became friends with Socrates and made a routine of visiting him twice a day when he was hospitalized. In the morning and at night, I would prepare his meals with utmost care, not as if I was cooking for a pet but for a human being. Socrates would get to go outside to bask in the beauty of nature and inhale fresh air. It was evident that he relished this experience. However, the challenge of fighting his ailments seemed like a never-ending cycle. Socrates suffered from a fever and diarrhea for two days straight.

I was worried that my loved one had contracted another viral illness. However, he was transferred to a facility in Los Angeles to receive more efficient treatment for his bone cancer. From this point on, he would have a loving family to support him throughout his life.

The medical team opted not to remove Socrates’ hind leg due to his advanced age. It was agreed that he should lead a safe and fulfilling life, without jeopardizing his well-being. Despite the challenges, Socrates took pleasure in walking.


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