“Fat Cat’s Family Fights Back Against Baseless Accusations of Abuse by Trolls”

In the age of internet freedom of speech, some individuals seem to have missed out on the basic life lesson of being kind. These individuals, referred to as trolls, have become uncontrollable and are using their words as weapons to hurt innocent people and animals. Recently, chubby cat Liznya and her family have been targeted by trolls who have made false allegations of abuse against her. These strangers have accused Liznya’s family of overfeeding her for attention, despite having no knowledge of the Russian feline’s circumstances. The trolls have even gone as far as threatening Liznya’s family. However, Liznya and her family want to clarify that these claims are untrue.

Liznya is on a weight loss journey, and it’s not an easy one for anyone who has ever had an overweight cat knows how challenging it can be. Despite their efforts to maintain her weight and help her lose some pounds, Liznya and her family are constantly bombarded with unkind remarks. The family recently shared on Instagram that they don’t overfeed Liznya and that she has health issues that require her to be on a diet and visit the vet regularly. The cruel comments only add to the family’s struggle, but they remain determined to help Liznya achieve her goal.

Liznya’s struggle with weight began during her pregnancy when she was already on the heavier side and faced difficulty giving birth, as per her human brother Vlad who shared the story with Metro UK. Liznya was pregnant with six kittens, and it was a challenging time for both her and her babies. Fortunately, with the help of veterinarians, Liznya and three kittens survived. However, after giving birth, Liznya started putting on weight, and the family had to take her to clinics regularly. The family is currently working with veterinary experts to identify the underlying cause of Liznya’s weight gain, which could be related to hormonal or thyroid issues. Currently, Liznya’s diet plan has helped control her weight gain, and although she hasn’t lost any pounds yet, she is determined to try.

Liznya isn’t one to follow a rigorous exercise routine, however, according to Vlad, she enjoys being active just like any other feline. We often engage in playtime with her and her favorite activity is chasing a laser pointer or even our legs as we walk by. Despite her size, this chubby cat is content and cheerful. Vlad mentioned that Liznya is generally a tranquil cat but loves to purr when someone is close by. Additionally, when she is fond of someone, she shows it by licking them. This is how she earned her name Liznya, which is similar to the Russian word for “lick.” Nevertheless, her official name is Charlize.

Did you know that in Russian, the name Liznya translates to “ball-licker”? It’s an amusing coincidence since Liznya is a cat who loves to lick people and has a round appearance. Unfortunately, some individuals have left cruel comments accusing her family of intentionally overfeeding her for attention without knowing the full story. In response, Vlad, Liznya’s owner, has stated that it’s none of their business and that angry comments are made without understanding the whole situation. Additionally, they’ve received nasty messages from people who wish them harm or even arrest.

It’s important to remember that every situation has multiple perspectives. While some people may have negative intentions towards us, there are also those who show love and even stand up against haters.

For those who admire and support Liznya, there will be plenty of adorable photos and videos showcasing her happy moments.

Vlad emphasizes that the family is open to helpful advice for Liznya and expresses gratitude to those who offer it. However, he questions the purpose of trolls who only leave hurtful comments about their parenting.

“While we may not be flawless pet owners, we strive to give our all to ensure the well-being of our feline friend, Liznya. Our dedication and care have undoubtedly contributed to her contentment and joy. It is always heartwarming to witness the bond between a happy cat and a loving family.”

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