“From Stray to Stay: A Whisker-Lickin’ Tale of Four Feline Friends”

A stunningly marked little kitty was discovered wandering around outside. Fast forward two months later and her dreams were fulfilled with the addition of three more feline friends.

sweet kittens calico

Shelly, a dedicated animal rescuer with more than 12 years of experience, received a distressing call about three vulnerable kittens in urgent need of assistance. A kind-hearted individual had discovered them roaming alone outside, without a mother cat in sight. Even after searching the area, they were unable to locate the mother. Upon closer inspection, the kittens’ eyes were infected and crusted over, and they were severely underweight. Despite their pitiable state, the mother cat showed no inclination to care for her offspring. Without hesitation, Shelly rushed to retrieve the littlest kitten and provided it with life-saving treatment before returning to care for the other two.

stray kittens tiny

The kittens were discovered wandering around without a mother in sight. Shelly, who was already taking care of 16 other rescues, felt compelled to take them in. Although her hands were already full, she couldn’t bear to leave them alone. Since the kittens were just three weeks old at the time, Shelly believed they could start weaning soon. She shared this heartwarming story with Love Meow.

calico kitten bottle

As soon as Shelly started feeding them with a bottle, Polly showed a liking for it. Shelly, who runs the account @5_star_strays, revealed that she continued to give Polly, Cloud, and Destiny a bottle for several weeks, while also introducing mixed wet food. Sadly, despite her efforts, Destiny, the smallest of the litter, didn’t make it. However, Polly and Cloud adapted well to the feeding routine and eagerly consumed each meal.

calico kitten beautiful markings

Shelly from 5_star_strays shared the good news that Polly and Cloud, the two kittens, were doing much better after receiving proper care and a healthier diet. Their physical appearance improved significantly as their eyes cleared up, their bodies got stronger, and their energy levels increased. She mentioned that she was glad to have found them in time before any permanent harm could occur. Furthermore, Shelly updated that the mother of the kittens and a few other cats from the locality have been spayed.

calico kitten beautiful markings

Shelly from 5_star_strays gushed about Polly, the calico kitten, who had gorgeous markings and a vibrant personality. As she grew older, her fur coat became even more eye-catching and lustrous, making her stand out even more. Polly didn’t shy away from exploring her surroundings and would strut around with her tail held high, while her brother Cloud followed closely behind, taking in everything with his curious gaze. They both learned how to eat from a dish and mastered the art of using the litter box together.

calico kitten cats

Cloud and Polly have made tremendous progress and are developing just as they should. They were given the opportunity to socialize with other foster cats in the home, and after getting to know them, they engaged in lively play and seamlessly merged into the group.

kitten cat friends

Polly and Milo were two young cats who were taken in by Shelly from 5_star_strays. After receiving proper care, they grew up to be lively and exuberant cats who made friends with many foster kittens. Eventually, when it was time for them to find a permanent home, a previous adopter named Donna surprised Shelly by expressing interest in adopting four kittens, including Polly and Milo.

calico kitten beautiful markings

Shelly, a user with the handle @5_star_strays, shared heartwarming news about a recent adoption on her social media page. According to her post, Donna, the adopter, was so smitten with Polly and Cloud – two adorable animals under her care – that she decided to keep them together with their foster friends. The four pets have been living happily in their new forever home for a week now.

stunning calico kitten cat

Shelly from 5_star_strays shared that it’s not every day you come across someone who offers to give a home to four cats. This opportunity was too good to pass up, and Shelly is grateful for the kind gesture. The four cats have adjusted quickly to their new environment and are now happily living with six other cats in the household. They can be seen playing and running around the house, enjoying their newfound freedom.

calico kittens forever home

Polly and Cloud, along with two other foster friends Shelly from 5 Star Strays, have found their forever home through adoption. They are very happy and fond of their new human mom and have made good friends with their new cat siblings as well.

calico kitten polly

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