Puppy Was Given Almost No Chance To Survive, But His Rescuers Were Determined To Save Him

Sometimes, it’s quite difficult to explain the human-dog bond to people who have never owned one.

The love you feel, like, all the time, the fears you have when they’re not okay, the feeling of emptiness when they’re not around – it’s all 100% real!

One truly inspiring story comes from New York, about a dog named Daliso. He was saved from euthanasia at the last minute by giant-hearted people, and since that very moment, he made comforting others his life purpose!

Take a look at his unbelievable life story!

Daliso Never Gave Up

One day, Craig and Virginie Fields, of New York Bully Crew, got a call from a vet about Daliso – back then, a 1-day-old puppy who was about to be euthanized. Daliso was born with a cleft palate, and he couldn’t suck milk by himself, so his original owner wanted to put him down.

Craig and Virginie immediately rushed into a car and drove hundreds of miles to save this poor boi.

Daliso was fed via a tube. He was in constant care and lived his life in an incubator. His new mom and dad gave it their all to make his life as easy as possible and, in just a few weeks, the results were amazing!

“Daliso fought day and night to survive, as he had to be tube-fed every two hours. He was so tiny that he looked like a gerbil.

After a few weeks, Daliso overcame all the odds, and became a bubbly and healthy little boy. His name, Daliso, came to us before we even realized its meaning: blessing,” the NYBC wrote.

Transforming Into A Beauty

1 day old puppy

With his loving New York family around, Daliso blossomed into a true beauty! He became so much stronger, and he didn’t need a tube or an incubator anymore.

As he grew older, he started gaining weight and stability in his legs, and he grew a pair of the most amazing ears ever! He was literally a unique bully pup who pulled his adorable look like a pro!

And, his mom and dad were just so happy to see him leave his bad days behind! He even fell in love with his house doggo buddy, Earl, who became his best friend in the world.

He Found His Life Purpose

guy holding 1 day old puppy

Daliso lived with Craig and Virginie until a woman named Margaritte reached out to them with the most heartbreaking email they ever received.

Margaritte’s mom was battling ovarian cancer, and throughout the entire process, she followed Daliso’s story on NYBC’s social media.

“When his story was posted and every night, no matter her pain; she said “let’s see what little Daliso is up to” She would smile and say how special he was,” wrote Margaritte.

There was something about him that made her feel at peace, and one day, Margaritte decided to contact Craig to see if he and Daliso could visit her mom.

cute puppy sitting on a bed

Craig and Virginie were more than happy to do so, and for some time, they visited Margaritte and her mom on a regular basis until, sadly, she lost the battle to cancer and passed away.

That day, this giant-hearted couple from New York came up with the most selfless idea ever – to adopt Daliso out to Margeritte. Even though they couldn’t even imagine being separated from him, they just knew that it was the right call.

dog sitting outside on a bench with his owner

When they told Margeritte the good news, she was over the moon! She cried out in happiness and couldn’t believe that the dog who comforted her mom at the time was now her own!

“With Daliso, I have a piece of my Mom and comfort that has helped with my grief and anxiety,” said Margeritte.

Today, Daliso and his new mom are having the time of their lives together.

older woman holding a dog

They embark on beautiful adventures on a daily basis, appreciating the gift of each other’s company. And, as for Craig and Virginie, they’re just happy knowing that they made the best decision possible!You can follow Daliso’s adventures on his official Instagram.

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