2 Vets Wanted This Blind Kitten Euthanized But His Mom Had Other Plans

Otis and his litter mates were abandoned by their previous owner, left to await their final moments all alone in the streets.

newborn kitten

Charlotte found them just before it was too late, but she soon noticed that one of the kittens was a bit different. However, she didn’t mind at all, as she beautifully said:

“From the first time I saw Otis, I knew I wouldn’t let him go.”

blind kitten

Otis was born with his eyes open, unlike his siblings who seemed healthy just as any other newborn kitten.

This adorable kitten couldn’t blink and it seemed like a veil was covering his eyes. Worried, Charlotte rushed him to the vet. At the animal clinic, two vets took a closer look at Otis and the only solution they had in mind was euthanization.

kitten sitting on woman's shoulder

They believed Otis didn’t have a chance to lead a normal life, but Charlotte disagreed. She went home with Otis and made it her mission to provide him with the best life possible. As Charlotte said in her video:

“When we came back home, he immediately knew that he would be safe, loved in his home and by his people. And sure enough, slowly, Otis adapted to life in his own way.”

Otis learned how to navigate through his home with the help of his mom and he didn’t feel any different than his siblings. As his mom also mentioned:

“If you see him at home you won’t believe he’s blind.”

kitten in grass

This confident little kitten found a way around his disability and became a fast and confident cat.

Sometimes he does get confused and scared in a new place, but it takes him minutes to figure out his mom is there and he can do it. In an instant, he becomes an active cat, just like at home.

Otis spends his days playing and wrestling with his brothers and even enjoys outside time with the family dog.

Otis is everyone’s favorite cat, but one family member in particular adores him. Charlotte’s little nephew Adam loves playing and cuddling with Otis.

The two spend hours on end playing together and Otis knows he has to be super gentle with little Adam. As Charlotte also shared:

“Now I know that my baby nephew will always have his best friend by his side.”

blind kitten wearing a red collar

Thanks to Charlotte and her determination to save Otis, he is now able to lead a perfectly happy and normal life.

Make sure to follow Otis and his brothers over on Instagram, where Charlotte updates their followers on their amazing adventures!

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