Ecstatic Kitten with Special Chromosome Finally Finds Forever Family


maverick the tiny kitty came into the world with an extra chromosome, but that doesn’t phase him one bit. He’s living his best life, just like any other feline.

The Unique Feline ShelterWhen maverick, a six-month-old cat with charming crossed eyes, was surrendered to the New York Animal Care Center, the staff immediately fell in love with his sweet personality. Despite his adorable quirks, the shelter’s limited resources meant they had to find him a new home quickly.

Volunteers at the center decided to contact Tara Kay, the founder of the Odd Cats Sanctuary in Salem, massachusetts, to see if she could provide maverick with a better chance at life. Tara Kay was known for her dedication to special needs cats and her willingness to help those in need.

The Odd Cat Sanctuary is a place dedicated to providing specialized care for cats and kittens with unique needs. They not only agreed to take maverick in, but they also promised to give him a forever home and a committed caretaker. maverick, a tabby cat, was born with a condition similar to Down Syndrome in humans, as he has an extra chromosome. Additionally, he has a mild form of hydrocephalus, which is a buildup of fluid in the brain.

At The Odd Cat Sanctuary, Tara shared with Love meow that despite maverick’s unique appearance, he is just like any other cat at heart. As soon as he settled into his new abode, maverick showed his sweet nature by purring and playfully pawing at Tara. “He’s such a sociable cat! Always ready for a chat and full of chirps,” Tara gushed.

At The Eccentric Feline Haven, the young cat wasted no time feeling right at home, as if he had been there forever. Before long, his spunky personality and limitless energy came to light as he frolicked and played with joy.

The Odd Kitty Shelter“While his vision may not be perfect, maverick can still see well enough. He may breathe a little louder due to his flat face, but overall, he is a happy and thriving feline.” Enjoy this adorable video featuring maverick:

maverick the cat is a sociable feline who gets along well with both people and other animals. He shows his affection by giving head butts to greet new friends he meets.

The Odd Cat Sanctuary is a place where cats like him can find a loving family. Tara shared how he quickly made friends with everyone and enjoys playing and socializing with other cats. Now, he is surrounded by a big family at the sanctuary, receiving all the love and attention he could ever need.

At The Unique Feline Haven, maverick embraces his quirks and enjoys each day to the max. He loves a good cuddle session, purring loudly, and isn’t afraid to meow for attention when he needs it.

Spread the wordaout The Odd Cat Sanctuary. Keep up with maverick and his escapades by checking out his Instagram page. Stay connected with The Odd Cat Sanctuary by following them on Facebook and Instagram.

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