Be Still in the Rain: A Highway Tale of Waiting for Aid

He was lying still in the pouring rain next to the highway, hoping and praying for assistance to arrive soon.

While out driving, I spotted a dog lying by the roadside, and my instincts told me that he was in trouble. I turned back and found him lying in a puddle, looking exhausted and defeated in the rain. It seemed like he had lost hope.

Seeing his suffering, I spoke to him, asking if we could make a deal – he wouldn’t harm me in pain, and I would get him the help he needed. His name was Maddox, and he needed urgent medical attention.

I rushed Maddox to the vet, where X-rays would be taken to assess his injuries, particularly concerning internal bleeding. The veterinarians were determined to save his life and planned to carry out a spinal surgery with the help of specialists outside the regular clinic.

Maddox seemed to understand the gravity of the situation, showing remarkable bravery as he faced the most crucial battle of his life. The surgeons were ready to give him a chance at recovery through the intricate spinal surgery.

Despite his challenging journey, Maddox displayed kindness and intelligence, as if he knew that his life was in the balance but trusted in those around him to help him through it.

After reviewing the situation, the surgeon decided that surgery was not needed. Despite the slim odds of success, a twist of fate occurred when the surgeon mentioned he had a comparable condition and recovered. Fahrudin boldly asked, “Can we give it a shot?” To which the doctor responded, “I’ll give it a 10% chance!”

Maddox was swiftly taken to the operating room and the prep area. The surgery was successful, and now he is resting, taking a much-needed nap. The first post-op assessment will take place in a couple of days to check for any sensation in his legs – if he can feel a pinch with scissors, there’s a 50% chance he can regain mobility with therapy.

While there have been cases where individuals with similar spinal cord injuries never walked again, Maddox’s life is far from over. Even if he never regains full mobility, we will ensure he has all the necessary support, including a wheelchair, to live a fulfilling life.

It has been a week since the surgery and the outlook is not positive. The vertebra was severely damaged, and the spinal cord appeared blue instead of grey. The doctors were able to prevent any further spinal injuries, but unfortunately, the patient is no longer in pain. The prognosis is that he will be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, but sometimes miracles do occur!

The medical team is determined to push the boundaries and try the impossible. They believe that nothing is out of reach. After just 16 days, there is already some incredible progress. The patient is feeling fantastic, his body is more relaxed, and he even managed to stand on his own two feet briefly. However, after an hour he had to return to rest in his bed.

While it’s important to stay realistic, it’s also important to have hope. Miracles may not be common, but they are possible. The patient remains strong and optimistic, believing that he will walk again one day because he is a fighter at heart.


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