“Pawsitively Charming: Meet the Pup in a Pink Wheelchair Rescued from Animal Control”

Daisy, a Brussels Griffon and Terrier mix, faced a challenging beginning to life. Abandoned by her owners at just two months old and born with paralyzed front legs, she was on the brink of death until she was rescued by A Home 4 Ever rescue center in Bellflower, California. The dedicated staff at the center worked tirelessly to nurse her back to health and even managed to raise funds to purchase a sparkly pink wheelchair for her.

Daisy, a Brussels Griffon and Terrier cross, was born without the use of her front legs, and was abandoned at just two months old before being found by an animal control officer

Daisy, a unique mix of Brussels Griffon and Terrier breeds, entered the world without the ability to use her front legs. Sadly, she was left all alone at the tender age of two months, until an attentive animal control officer discovered her and took her in.

The adorable pup was nearly euthanised after no owners came forward to collect her, but she was saved at the last minute by A Home 4 Ever rescue center

An adorable little dog was almost put down when no one stepped forward to claim her, but she was rescued just in time by the A Home 4 Ever rescue center. Daisy now has a new owner, Sheena Main, who loves taking her on long walks.

Sheena expressed her joy in seeing Daisy so mobile now. With the help of a special cart, Daisy can go on longer walks without getting tired from hopping around like a bunny. Despite her disability, Daisy can pretty much do everything a normal dog does, except for climbing stairs or jumping to high places.

The veterinarians are unsure of what caused Daisy’s disability, but they suspect she was born with it, possibly leading to her abandonment. Nevertheless, Daisy is living a happy and active life with her new family.

Staff at the centre nursed Daisy back to health and bought a pink sparkly wheelchair to help her get around

Workers at the facility took care of Daisy until she made a full recovery, and they even got her a shiny pink wheelchair to help her move around.

Seven months after being found Daisy was adopted by Sheena Main and now enjoys going for long walks

Seven months after she was discovered, Daisy found a new home with Sheena Main, and now loves going on extended walks. It didn’t take long for Daisy to receive her new set of wheels at A Home 4 Ever, but she was hesitant to use them initially, only doing so when tempted with a treat. Sheena later discovered that Daisy’s discomfort was due to the ill-fitting cart. Once the cart was adjusted, Daisy quickly adapted and now they all enjoy their long walks, a luxury Daisy didn’t have before. With her cart properly adjusted, Daisy and Sheena have encountered new furry friends, some of whom are unsure of Daisy’s unique appearance. Nevertheless, Sheena noted that the cart has helped boost Daisy’s confidence when meeting other dogs. Each dog’s reaction to Daisy varies, with some accepting her readily while others need more time to warm up to her.

Without her wheelchair, Daisy hops on her hind legs in order to get around which uses up a lot of energy meaning she cannot walk far. But with her new wheels she can take leisurely walks along with other dogs

Daisy, without her wheelchair, resorts to hopping on her hind legs to move around, draining a lot of her energy and limiting how far she can walk. However, with her new set of wheels, she is now able to enjoy leisurely strolls with her canine companions.

Sheena says Daisy was reluctant to use her cart at first because it didn't fit properly, but after having it readjusted she quickly go used to it and now takes to it with ease

Sheena mentioned that initially, Daisy was hesitant to use her cart as it didn’t fit properly. However, after getting it adjusted, she quickly adapted to it and now navigates it effortlessly.

While some dogs are scared of Daisy’s wheeled contraption and others bark at the sight of it, it’s not just her canine friends who take notice when she’s out and about.

Sheena shared that Daisy tends to attract a lot of attention from people, which she absolutely enjoys. During their walks, they are frequently approached by curious individuals who want to know more about Daisy and even snap a picture of her.

Sheena says that while most dogs don't seem to mind Daisy's wheels, some are frightened and run away

Sheena mentions that although many dogs don’t mind Daisy’s wheels, some get scared and run off. She believes it’s important for people to show interest in Daisy so they can promote awareness about special needs. She feels disheartened when people pity Daisy for her disability. She hopes that by sharing Daisy’s journey, they can change people’s perceptions about disabled dogs. She wants to show that these dogs are resilient, can lead joyful lives, and above all, offer unconditional love.

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